Saturday 1 April 2017

Instaforex Niederlassungen In Pakistan Neue Saison

Longmire erneuert auf Netflix für Jahreszeit 4 tödliche Jahreszeit 3 ​​Cliffhanger, zum gelöst zu werden Longmire hatte gute Bewertungen, aber mit dem falschen Publikum, bevor es von AE abgesagt wurde. Nun, seine erneuerte auf Netflix für die 4. Staffel. Foto: Facebook Netflix Wenn Kabelnetze die Henker sind, ist Netflix der sprichwörtliche Anruf vom Gouverneur. Es scheint, dass keine Show ist wirklich tot in diesen Tagen, bis Netflix gibt entweder ein Daumen-up oder unten zu erneuern sie auf ihre bezahlte Streaming-Service. Dies war der Fall mit der Fan-Lieblings-AampE Show Longmire, die Netflix gerade abgeholt für eine vierte Saison. Im August setzte AampE die Show nach seinem Staffel 3 cliffhanger. Angesichts seiner Popularität und relativ anständige Bewertungen, hat Netflix in. Als getan mit Shows wie Arrested Development und The Killing, um eine ansonsten tote Show die Chance zu geben, auf ein neues Bühnenpublikum zu hinken und zu gewinnen. Die Show, basierend auf Craig Johnsons meistverkauften Mystery Romane, ist ein modernes Verbrechen Drama in Big Sky Land gesetzt. Robert Taylor spielt den Sheriff des Distrikts Absaroka, Wyoming, zusammen mit den anderen Mitgliedern Katee Sackhoff, Lou Diamond Phillips, Bailey Chase, Cassidy Freeman und Adam Bartley. Als Warner Horizon Television mit der Idee für eine neue Jahreszeit von Longmire zu uns kam, waren wir fasziniert, weil die Serie so einzigartig und durchweg großartig ist, Netflixs Vizepräsident des Originalinhalts, Cindy Holland. Sagte in einer Presseerklärung. Wir sind begeistert zu helfen weiter Walt Longmires Geschichte für seine große und leidenschaftliche folgen. Die Streichung von Longmire kam als Schock für viele Fans. Das Drama war die meistgesehene Original-Drehbuch-Show auf AampE. Nach Deadline, Jahreszeit 3 ​​durchschnittlich 5.6 Million Zuschauer, nur ein leises Dip von den 6 Million, die Jahreszeit 2 hereinbrachten. Viele glauben Führungskräfte schnitten die Show wegen seines älter-schiefen Publikums. Wie von der Hollywood Reporter, Longmire wurde überwiegend von Menschen über 50 beobachtet. Leider setzt dies, dass Publikum aus der 18-49 Reihe, die so begehrt von Werbetreibenden. Zum Glück für die Fans der Show, ist Netflix nicht ein Sklave zu den Werbe-Dollar. Sein einziger führender Einkommenstern ist, ob eine Show Leute überredet, sich für seinen bezahlten Service zu unterzeichnen. Angesichts der Millionen von Zuschauern, die die ersten drei Staffeln hatten, gepaart mit einem spannenden Cliffhanger am Ende von Staffel 3, scheint Longmire, wie es auf Netflix die ganze Zeit gewesen sein sollte. Deadline berichtet, dass die gesamte Besetzung unterzeichnet hat, um den Sprung vom Kabel zu Netflix zu machen. Aber es ist erwähnenswert theres keine Garantie, dass einige dieser Charaktere sind sogar am Leben nach dem Finale der 3. Staffel. Laut Netflixs Plot-Übersicht für Staffel 4 (über USA Today): Staffel 4 von Longmire greift Momente nach Saison drei spannende Finale auf. Walt Longmire, nachdem er herausgefunden hat, wer hinter der Ermordung seiner Frau war, erliegt seinen dunkleren Impulsen und startet in der Verfolgung des Mörders mit Mord im Kopf. Unterdessen glaubt Branch Connally (Bailey Chase), der Abgeordnete, der Walt für erratisches, gewalttätiges Verhalten gefeuert hat, glaubt, dass er bereits herausgefunden hat, wer der wirkliche Schuldige ist. Aber während seiner Konfrontation mit diesem vermuteten Mörder geht ein Gewehr los. Jetzt wird das Publikum endlich lernen, was passiert ist, und ob Walt gestoppt werden kann, bevor er eine tödliche Entscheidung macht. Die Serie ist vorläufig Auge eine Premiere von Staffel 4 im März. Karachi 1 (Urdu:, Sindhi:) ist die Hauptstadt der Provinz Sindh. Und ist die größte Stadt und finanzielle Hauptstadt von Pakistan. Ab 1947 an der Teilung des britischen Raj, als Hunderttausende von Muhajirs aus Indien Zuflucht suchten, explodierte die Bevölkerung von etwa 450.000 auf schätzungsweise 18 Millionen heute. Mit mehr als einer Million neuen Einwohnern, die in jedem Jahr gießen, ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass die Dehnungsstreifen in einer der größten und am schnellsten wachsenden Städte dieser Welt gezeigt werden. Karachi, an der Küste des Arabischen Meeres gelegen, ist das Finanz - und Handelszentrum Zentrum der Nation, sowie seine größte Hafen. Karachi ist anders als der Rest von Pakistan in der gleichen Weise, dass New York ist anders als der Rest der Vereinigten Staaten. Das Tempo des Lebens ist mehr eilig, und soziale Einstellungen sind weitaus liberaler als anderswo in Pakistan. Die Einheimischen nennen es: die Stadt der Lichter. Die Stadt der Quaid. Und die Stadt, die niemals schläft. Die Stadt würdigt die Bevölkerungszahlen der wirtschaftlichen und politischen Migranten zusammen mit Flüchtlingen verschiedener nationaler, provinzieller, sprachlicher und religiöser Herkunft, die in der Regel in die Stadt kommen, um sich dauerhaft zu erholen. Einwohner und die in der Stadt geborenen heißen Karachi-ites und fast 98 der Bevölkerung in Karachi versteht die Urdu-Sprache. Bezirke Edit Karachi ist eine riesige Stadt und eine administrative Abteilung der Sindh Provinz. Die Division Karachi ist offiziell in fünf Bezirke unterteilt, die in achtzehn Städte unterteilt werden, die von der Stadtverwaltung verwaltet werden, und sechs militärische Kantone, die von der pakistanischen Armee verwaltet werden. Für die Zwecke dieses Leitfadens wurden die sechs militärischen Bezirke in ihre jeweiligen Bezirke unten eingearbeitet, so dass die Besucher die konzeptuelle Region Liste unten nützlicher finden sollten: Fünf offizielle Bezirke von Karachi werden hier in drei Süd-Karachi (Saddar Stadt Lyari Town, Jameshed Town einschließlich PECHS Karachi Cantonment, Clifton Cantonment und Verteidigung) Der Süden ist ein vielfältiges Viertel, die Heimat von Saddar. Karachis Innenstadt und Zentrum der Aktivität. Heimat von Karachis höchsten Wolkenkratzern und viel historischer Architektur. Einige von Pakistans reichsten Nachbarschaften, wie Clifton und Verteidigung. Sind hier, zusammen mit dem ikonischen Karachi Bahnhof. Viele Strände, Parks, Museen, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Kolonialbauten, Restaurants und Hotels befinden sich in diesem Viertel. Ost-Karachi und Malir (Gulshan-e-Iqbal Stadt), Korangi Stadt, Landhi Stadt, Shah Faisal Stadt, Faisal Bezirk und Korangi Nebenfluss-Bezirk Malir Stadt, Bin Qasim Stadt, Gadap Stadt und Malir Bezirk) Ostbezirk ist eine Mischung des industriellen Herzens Karachis Und Büroangestellte. Es gibt einige gute Museen zusammen mit vielen Unterhaltungs-und Wildparks, und der große Karachi Flughafen. Malir Bezirk ist der größte Bezirk von Karachi durch Bereich und wird als die Landschaft von Karachi Stadt wegen seiner geöffneten Atmosphäre und des üppigen grünen farmsland betrachtet. Es beherbergt viele der Stadt Wasser Vergnügungsparks. Zentral und West Karachi (Stadt Baldia, Stadt Kemari, STADT Stadt, Orangi Stadt und Manora Bezirk Liaquatabad Stadt, Nord Nazimabad Stadt, Gulberg Stadt und Neue Karachi Stadt) Der Westen ist Heimat von South Asias größtem Slum und auch eine der Erfolgsgeschichten von Low-Cost-Gehäuse: Orangi Stadt. Große Industrieparks sind durch den Bezirk verstreut, zusammen mit dem Hafen von Karachi im Kemari Bereich. West-Karachi hat auch viele Strände und Inseln, während Central-Bezirk ist in erster Linie ein bürgerliches Gebiet, entwickelt es unmittelbar nach Pakistans Unabhängigkeit, aufgrund einer Welle der Einwanderung. Viele dieser Migranten waren Flüchtlinge aus der Trennwand. Verstehen Bearbeiten Tag bricht über Karachi Sie werden noch die Herrlichkeit des Ostens sein, dass ich wieder kommen könnte, Karachi, um Sie in Ihrer Großartigkeit zu sehen 8212 Charles James Napier Karachi ist die vielfältigste und kosmopolitische Stadt in Pakistan und kann einen Hinweis als anbieten In die Zukunft des modernen Lebens in Pakistan. In vielerlei Hinsicht kann es mit New York verglichen werden, wo das Tempo des Lebens mehr eilig ist und die Zeit ist Geld. Im Vergleich zu anderen pakistanischen Städten, wie Hindus, Christen, Parsis, Sikhs, Bahai, Juden, Buddhisten sowie Zarathustraern, sind in Karachi viele religiöse Gemeinschaften entsandt. Die Einwohner Karachis, die als Karatschiiten bekannt sind, sind eine kosmopolitische Bevölkerung, bestehend aus vielen ethno-linguistischen Gruppen aus allen Teilen Pakistans sowie Migranten aus verschiedenen Ländern und Regionen wie Indien, Afghanistan, Bangladesch, Myanmar, China und Uganda Städte eine vielfältige Schmelztiegel. Geschichte Bearbeiten Die frühe Geschichte von Karachi geht zurück auf 327325 BC, als Alexander der Große die Stadt benutzte, um zu zelten und eine Flotte für Babylonia vorzubereiten. Karachi wurde später den Arabern als Debal bekannt, wo Muhammad bin Qasim seine erobernde Macht nach Südasien 712 n. Chr. Führte. Die heutige Geschichte von Karachi beginnt, als es die Hauptstadt von Sindh in den 1840er Jahren wurde. Im Jahre 1878 unter dem britischen Raj wurde die Stadt mit dem Rest des britischen Indiens durch die Bahn verbunden. Öffentliche Bauprojekte wie Frere Hall und der Kaiserin-Markt wurden unternommen. 1876 ​​wurde Muhammad Ali Jinnah, der Gründer Pakistans, in der Stadt geboren. Nach der Unabhängigkeit Pakistans im Jahre 1947 war Karachi zu einer geschäftigen Metropole mit schönen klassischen und kolonialen europäischen Gebäuden geworden, die die Straßen der Stadt auskleideten. Karachi wurde als Hauptstadt von Pakistan gewählt. 1960 wurde die Hauptstadt Pakistans von Karachi zum neugebauten Islamabad verlegt. Während der 1960er Jahre wurde Karachi als ein wirtschaftliches Vorbild auf der ganzen Welt gesehen. Viele Länder versuchten, Pakistans Wirtschaftsplanung Strategie zu emulieren und einer von ihnen, Südkorea, kopiert die Stadt zweiten Fünf-Jahres-Plan und World Financial Center in Seoul ist entworfen und nach Karachi modelliert. In den späten 1980er und frühen 1990er Jahren brachen ethnische und politische Gewalt über die Stadt zwischen Muhajir Anhänger der Mohajir Quami Bewegung, ethnische Sindhis und Punjabis und staatliche Kräfte. Als Ergebnis wurde die pakistanische Armee eingesetzt, um den Frieden in der Stadt wiederherzustellen. Klima Karachis Wettervorhersage bei BBC Wetter Karachi hat an der Küste ein relativ mildes Klima mit niedrigem Niederschlagsniveau von etwa 250160 mm (10160 inches) pro Jahr, das überwiegend in der Saison Juli-August stattfindet. Die Winter sind mild, und die Sommer sind heiß. Die Nähe zum Meer hält die Feuchtigkeitsniveaus nahezu konstant hoch, und kühle Meeresbrise entlasten die Hitze der Sommermonate. Aufgrund der hohen Temperaturen im Sommer (von 30-44 ° C von April bis Oktober) sind die Wintermonate (November bis Februar) im Allgemeinen die besten Zeiten, um Karachi zu besuchen. Juli, Dezember und Januar haben erfreuliches und bewölktes Wetter, wenn die meisten der gesellschaftlichen Ereignisse, die von Hochzeiten bis zu Wohltätigkeitsfonds Spendensammler, häufig stattfinden. Touristen und Expatriates in der Regel besuchen Karachi in diesen Monaten. Karachis Wetter gilt als mild und kann mit Floridas Wetter (außer dem Niederschlag) verglichen werden. Die höchste jemals gemessene Temperatur in Karachi ist 47.8C während die niedrigste 0C ist. Kultur Der Alltagsleben von Karachi unterscheidet sich wesentlich von dem anderer Städte und Dörfer in Pakistan. Die Karachis-Kultur ist geprägt durch die Verschmelzung von Nahost-, Zentralasien-, Südasiatischen und westlichen Einflüssen sowie den Status der Stadt als internationales Wirtschaftszentrum. Als Ganzes gibt es eine beträchtliche Vielfalt in der Kultur, und diese Vielfalt hat ein einzigartiges kulturelles Amalgam seiner eigenen Art produziert. Karachi beherbergt auch die größte Mittelschicht des Landes. Karachi ist die Heimat von einigen Pakistans wichtige kulturelle Institutionen. Die nationale Akademie der darstellenden Künste. Befindet sich im neu renovierten Hindu Gymkhana bietet einen zweijährigen Diplom-Kurs in darstellenden Künsten, die klassische Musik und zeitgenössischen Theater umfasst. Die All-Pakistan-Musikkonferenz. Die mit der 45-jährigen ähnlichen Institution in Lahore verbunden ist, hält seit ihrer Gründung im Jahr 2004 ihr jährliches Musikfestival. Das Festival ist heute ein etabliertes Merkmal des Stadtlebens von Karachi, das ängstlich erwartet wird und von über 3000 Besuchern begleitet wird Bürger von Karachi sowie Menschen aus anderen Städten. Der nationale Kulturrat (Koocha-e-Saqafat) hat auch musikalische Aufführungen und Mushaira (Gedichte Rezitationen). Die Kara Film Festival organisiert jährlich präsentiert unabhängige pakistanische und internationale Filme und Dokumentationen. Unser Karachi Festival feiert die Architektur von Karachi. Festivals Bearbeiten Sindh Sea Festival 2 Kara International Film Festival 3 Die Veranstaltung bietet alle Arten von Filmen wie Länge, Kurzfilm und Dokumentarfilme sowie andere Veranstaltungen sind der Teil des Festivals, dass die Showbiz Berühmtheiten und Medienpersonen weltweit einlädt, indem sie die Flüge Nach Karachi. Hamara Karachi 4 Kunst-Rat 5 Alle Pakistan Musik-Konferenz 6 Dolphin-Show 7 Karachi-Literatur-Festival 8 Karachi-Fotowettfahrt 11 Karachi-Fotowettfahrt 11 Karachi-Modewoche 12 In Bearbeitung Mit dem Flugzeug Bearbeiten Karachi Flughafengebäude Jinnah Internationaler Flughafen (IATA KHI ICAO. OPKC), 13. ist Karachis größter internationaler und nationaler Flughafen, der auf den Stadtränden der Hauptstadt aber in einem sehr großen besiedelten Gebiet gelegen ist. Der Flughafen hat Verbindungen zu vielen anderen Hubs wie Toronto. London. New York. Tokio und Dubai. Es ist auch die Drehscheibe für Pakistan International Airlines 14. Pakistans nationale Fluggesellschaft, die zu zahlreichen Destinationen fliegt, darunter alle großen Städte in Pakistan. Und internationale Städte wie Peking. Barcelona. London. New York. Toronto. Istanbul. Kabul Kopenhagen. Paris. Frankfurt. Amsterdam. Mailand. Kuala Lumpur. Oslo. Abu Dhabi. Chicago. Birmingham. Manchester. Glasgow, Hongkong. Dhaka. Sharjah. Al Ain. Kathmandu. Kuwait. Mumbai Muskat. Riad Jeddah. Amman. Bangkok und Tokio. Der Flughafen verfügt über drei Terminals, von denen das Terminal 3, auch als Jinnah Terminal ist in den kommerziellen Betrieb während Terminal 2 ist jetzt gewidmet Hajj Operationen und Terminal 1 ist jetzt das Head Quarter der Zivilluftfahrtbehörde. Das Main Jinnah Terminal, dh das Terminal 3, ist in zwei Konzerte unterteilt - die Jinnah East Satellite Concourse, die für internationale Flüge und den Jinnah West Satellite Concourse für Inlandsflüge genutzt wird, von denen jede eine Versorgung mit Passagierladebrücken aufweist Ein Flugzeug, so dass Passagiere an Bord und aussteigen, ohne nach draußen oder Transfer über Shuttles. Die beiden Satellitenkonzerte ergänzen auch die Abfahrtsräume des Terminalgebäudes und bieten auch Einkaufsmöglichkeiten, mobile Aufladestationen und Snackzähler. Die untere Ebene des Terminals ist für ankommende Passagiere, wo eine eigene Taxistelle gerade außerhalb des Flughafengebäudes für ankommende Passagiere liegt, während die obere Ebene des Terminals für Passagiere abfährt. Einrichtungen auf dem Flughafen gehören mehrere Restaurants, darunter McDonalds und Butlers Chocolate Cafe. Es gibt auch eine Reihe von Bank Kiosks, Geldautomaten, Geldwechsel Schalter, Wi-Fi, Free Internet Kiosk (in Abfahrten), Moscheen, Cafés und viele Geschenk-, Bequemlichkeitsspeicher und Süßigkeiten. Es gibt eine große Duty Free Shop Verkauf Teppiche, Teppiche, Sportartikel, medizinische Instrumente, Onyx, Edelsteine ​​und viele mehr zu günstigen Preisen, aber es verkauft nicht Alkohol. Gepäckaufbewahrung ist auch im Terminal für diejenigen möglich, die Gepäck aufbewahren möchten. Kostenlose Trolleys und Dedicated Porter Services sind bei Rs100 für Inlandsflug Passagiere und Rs200 für internationale Flugreisende zur Verfügung. Behindertenhilfen erhalten Sie auf Anfrage von der Fluggesellschaft vor der Abreise. Rollstühle und Rollstuhlunterstützung finden Sie in den An - und Abflugszonen des Terminals. Flughäfen Die CIP Lounge kann von allen FirstBusiness Class Passagieren, großen Kreditkarteninhabern und Jubilee Safran Karteninhabern kostenlos genutzt werden, inklusive einem anderen Gast auf allen ausgehenden Flügen. Barclays und UBL haben separate Lounges für ihre Kreditkarten-Kunden. Es gibt auch PIA Business Class Lounge neben der CIP Lounge. Die Einrichtungen der Airports CIP Lounge beinhalten eine komfortable Sitzecke, Zugang zu führenden TV-Kanälen, kostenloses Wifi, eine große Auswahl an Snacks und Getränken kostenlos, Zeitungen, Zeitschriften, Duschräume, Fax, Telefon und mobile Aufladung. Einwanderungs - und Zollverfahren sind oft ein langwieriger Prozess, vor allem in den Hauptverkehrszeiten und können eine notorisch lange Zeit (mehr als 45 Minuten) dauern. Passkontrolle ist immer besonders hektisch mit langen Fahrspuren vor allem an den Pakistan Passport-Zählern, aber es gibt Wege, um Fahrspuren zu vermeiden und eine spezielle Behandlung an beiden An - und Abreisetagen mit der Devisenreserve-Karte (FERC) 15. Es gibt auch viele Hotels in der Nähe Jinnah International Airport mit 5 Sternen Ramada Plaza Hotel und Budget Flughafen Skyrooms Hotel. Diese befinden sich in weniger als 1 km vom Hauptterminalgebäude entfernt und sind über einen Shuttlebusdienst verbunden. Zu den Einrichtungen in diesen Hotels gehören ein Fitnessraum und Pool sowie Tagungs-und Veranstaltungsfläche. Es gibt auch eine Vor-Ort-McDonalds außerhalb des Hauptterminalgebäudes am Karachi Jinnah International Airport. Kurzfristige Parkplätze befinden sich direkt gegenüber dem Terminalgebäude, während Langzeitparken ein wenig weiter vom Terminal entfernt sind, aber bequem zu Fuß zu erreichen. Einwanderungs - und Zollverfahren sind nicht mehr so ​​mühsam und mühsam wie früher. Für verlorene und gefundene Gegenstände wenden Sie sich an das Zivilluftfahrt-Gepäckbüro im Terminal. Auch ist es ratsam, den Flughafen mindestens drei Stunden zu früh für den internationalen Flug zu erreichen, um verschiedene Verfahren pünktlich abzuschließen. Für Inlandsflüge sollten zwei Stunden reichen. Mit dem Bus Edit Daewoo Sammi 16 bietet direkte Dienstleistungen nach Karachi von über 40 großen Städten und 45 Destinationen bundesweit einschließlich Hyderabad. Multan Faisalabad. Lahore und Islamabad. Sie gelten als pünktlich und sicher. Sie können sie auch auf ihrer UAN-Nummer anrufen, die 92 21 111 007-008 für Ticketing-Anfragen ist. Ihr Hauptbus-Terminal befindet sich am Sohrab Goth, Super Highway und verfügt über Einrichtungen wie Summit Bank und HBL ATM, die Visa, Mastercard und UnionPay Karten akzeptiert. Darüber hinaus haben sie auch Ticketing-und Pick-and-Drop-Punkte an günstigen Standorten in der ganzen Stadt, wo Passagiere zum Haupt-Terminal über Shuttles transportiert werden. Super Autobahn-Hauptbusklemme. Bereich 3-B Coridor Area, Schema 33 (neben PSO), Sohrab Goth, Haupt-Super-Autobahn. Karachi Flughafen Terminal. Shop-Nr. SF-3, Falak Naz Heights, gegenüber Jinnah International Airport, Shahra-e-Faisal. Kontakt-Nummern: 021-34684200, 021-34684300 Bahnhof von Karachi Cantt Bahnhof. Geschäft Nr. 45, Fatima Jinnah Straße, nahe Bombay Hotel, Cantt Bahnhof Karachi. Kontakt-Nummern: 021-35641043-4 M. A. Jinnah Straßenbahnhof. Taj Komplex, angrenzend an Ali Raza Imam Bargah, Karachi. Kontakt-Nummer: 021-34248982 Bundesgebiet B-Bereich. Geschäft Nr. 05, Nighat Quadrat, Naseer Abad Markt, Oppsite zur Allama Iqbal geöffnete Universität, Taleemi Bagh Straße, Block 7 FB Bereich, Karachi. Kontakt-Zahlen: 021-36333311-2 Gulshan-e-Iqbal Terminal. Geschäft Nummer A83, A84, Rabia Palace Block 10, Gulshen-e-Iqbal, gegenüber Alla Din Park, Rashid Minhas Road. Kontakt-Nummern: 021-34964611-12 Hyderi-Terminal. Nazimabad, Geschäft 9-A, Grundstück Nr. SF1, Yaqoob Markt, Block E, Nord-Karachi. Kontakt-Nummern: 021-36672827-8 Mit dem Zug Bearbeiten Karachi Circular Railway First Class Reise mit Pakistan Railways 17 ist gut, und Karachi hat Bahnverbindungen mit verschiedenen großen Städten in Pakistan einschließlich Lahore. Quetta Multan Faisalabad. Gujranwala. Hyderabad. Rawalpindi. Amp Peshawar. Die Sitzplatzverfügbarkeit kann auf ihrer Website überprüft werden, während Karten von Pakistan Railways Buchungsbüros in der ganzen Stadt einschließlich Ebene 1 des Jinnah International Airport und Bahnhof selbst gekauft werden können. Die Stadt wird von zwei großen Bahnhöfen, nämlich dem Bahnhof Karachi Cantonment und dem Stadtbahnhof Karachi, bedient. Andere zwei Stationen umfassen Landhi Bahnhof und Drigh Straße-Bahnhof. Der Drigh Road Bahnhof befindet sich in der Nähe des Jinnah International Airport, aber nicht alle Züge halten hier. Der Thar Express fährt wöchentlich zwischen Bhagat Ki Kothi bei Jodhpur in Indien und Karachi. Zwischen Irak und Karachi laufen auch die Güterzüge über den Iran. Fahrgäste sind derzeit nicht in der Türkei für Karachi Züge. Bahnhof von Karachi Cantonment. Früher bekannt als Frere Street Station, ist der Hauptbahnhof von allen Zügen kommen von Karachi serviert. Gelegen in der Nähe von Dr Daud Pota Road in Saddar. Das Bahnhofsgebäude wurde von der Regierung von Sindh zum Schutzgebiet erklärt, aber trotzdem muss die Station die Aufmerksamkeit der Behörden auf die Instandhaltung haben. Die Einrichtungen in der Station umfasst einen großen Parkplatz, um Fahrzeuge zu parken, Current und Advance Reservation Büros für die Buchung von Sitzen in Zügen und Geldautomaten. Essen und Trinken Stände und Buch Geschäfte sind auf Plattformen gefunden. Einige Restaurants wie Rehmat-e-Shereen und Pizza Hut haben ihre Filialen auf Platform No.1. Die Entfernung zwischen Jinnah International Airport und Karachi Cantonment Station ist ca. 17,5 km und die Fahrt dauert etwa 30 Minuten. Es gibt auch mehrere günstige Hotels rund um den Bahnhof zu Fuß erreichbar. Pak Business Train 18 ist ein privater Zug, der täglich nonstop zwischen Lahore und Karachi via Karachi Cantonment Station verkehrt. Einrichtungen im Zug umfasst Familienkabinen, LCD, Free Wifi, Essen und medizinische Dienstleistungen. Tickets können online reserviert werden und können über die Heimanlieferung gesammelt werden, wo Sie das Ticket per Nachnahme bezahlen können. Kreditkarten sind nicht akzeptabel. Der Zug hat auch eine Business-Lounge, ein Hotel und ein Café am Bahnhof Lahore. Karachi Stadtbahnhof. Ehemals McLeod Station, ist der erste und der älteste Bahnhof von Pakistan. Es ist allgemein genannt Stadtbahnhof oder Stadtbahnhof in Karachi. Es befindet sich in der Nähe der Habib Bank Plaza auf der I. I. Chundrigar Road. Die Station verfügt über alle grundlegenden Einrichtungen wie einen Parkplatz, Ticket-Reservierung Zähler, Fracht-und Paketdienste. Besonders in der Nähe gibt es spezielle Züge wie Bahauddin Zakaria Express (von Multan), Bolan Mail (von Quetta), Fareed Express (von Lahore), Hazara Express (von Havelian), Khushhal Khan Khattak Express (von Peshawar) und Sukkur Express (von Sukkur) der Bahnhof. Mit dem Auto Edit Karachi kann mit dem Auto von verschiedenen Städten Pakistans sowie Indien, China, Afghanistan und Iran erreicht werden. National Highway N5 verbindet die Stadt von anderen Städten Pakistans (Lahore 1.240 km, Peshawar 1.380 km) sowie Afghanistan, Indien und China. RCD Highway N25N55 verbindet die Stadt mit Süd-Balochistan einschließlich Gwadar über Makran Coastal Highway sowie Iran und der Türkei. M9 Autobahn (auch genannt Super Highway) verbindet die Stadt mit Jamshoro und Hyderabad 160km. Mit dem Boot Edit Kemari Boat Basin in Karachi Karachi ist ein wichtiges Handelszentrum für Dhows aus dem Indischen Ozean. Reisende, die per Schiff oder Schiff in die Stadt kommen möchten, müssen sich wahrscheinlich mit dem Kapitän des Schiffes selbst arrangieren. Fremde Besucher können nicht so kommen. Ein Kreuzfahrt-Service verwendet, um zwischen Karachi und Dubai laufen, aber es ist jetzt geschlossen. Get around Bearbeiten Linkes Gepäck Im Ankunftsbereich des internationalen Flughafens Jinnah stehen Ihnen Gepäckaufbewahrung zur Verfügung. Die Gepäckaufbewahrung bleibt 24 Stunden geöffnet. Einige Hotels werden auch Gepäck für Kunden, die aus dem Hotel ausgecheckt haben. Sobald Sie den Hang des Reisens in Karachi erhalten, wird es ein sehr unterhaltsames Erlebnis. Sie treffen neue Leute und sehen unerwartete Dinge. Es ist nicht sehr schwer, eine Art von Transport zu finden und wenn Sie wissen, was Sie tun, ist es sehr einfach zu umgehen. Zu Fuß Bearbeiten Manchmal kann das Gehen tatsächlich der schnellste Weg sein, von Punkt A zu Punkt B zu gelangen, aber viel von Karachi ist ziemlich Fußgänger-feindlich. Die Entfernungen sind lang und die Beschilderung ist schlecht. Aber wenn Sie wirklich wollen, um zu gehen, immer sicherstellen, dass Sie auf dem Fußweg zu gehen, oder wenn man nicht verfügbar ist, so weit wie möglich auf der Seite der Straße und auf der rechten Seite aufkommenden Verkehr. Die Straße ist nicht so gefährlich in Karachi, aber viele Passanten werden oft von Passivfahrern verletzt. Diejenigen, die zimperlich sind, um Verschmutzung oder Asthma haben, müssen möglicherweise eine Maske tragen die Luftverschmutzung von vorbeifahrenden LKW und Busse, kombiniert mit der sengenden Hitze und Feuchtigkeit kann manchmal überwältigen. Wenn Sie wirklich wollen, um zu gehen, sind diese Orte gut: Gehen Sie von Dolmen City, Sea View zu Salt n Papper Village und weiter (ein Spaziergang in der Nähe von 2-3 km). Gehen Sie vom Mereweather-Turm auf der II Chundrigar Straße zum Nationalmuseum von Pakistan auf Dr. Ziauddin Ahmed Straße und zum Künste-Rat von Pakistan auf MR Kiyani Straße. Walk on Club Road von Sheraton HotelPC Hotel nach Frere Hall auf Abdullah Haroon Road Mit dem Bus Edit Die häufigste Methode des Reisens in Karachi ist mit dem Bus und wird von den meisten Menschen genutzt. Regelmäßige Busverbindungen verknüpfen den Flughafen mit der Stadt und die Fahrtdauer beträgt ca. 50 Minuten. Aus Platzgründen sitzen die Menschen oft auf dem Dach, oder hängen an Stäben und werden im Bus verklemmt. Außenseiter könnten durch die beengten Bedingungen in den Bussen verschoben werden und könnten lieber in Taxis fahren. Aber für sehr enge Budget Reisende, Bus ist die einzige Option. Karachi Buslinien und - nummern können hier überprüft werden 19 und die Minibusse und Buslinien können bei 20 überprüft werden. Mit dem Taxi Edit Eine Reihe von Taxiunternehmen operieren von außerhalb des Flughafen-Terminalgebäudes. Die Fahrtzeit in die Stadt beträgt etwa 25 Minuten je nach Verkehr, und der Fahrpreis beginnt ab Rs250. Uber und Careem Dienstleistungen sind auch vorhanden. Schwarz und Gelb Edit Schwarz und Gelb Taxis sind die wirtschaftlichste Art der Reise innerhalb der Stadt und befinden sich unmittelbar außerhalb der Flughafen-Terminals. Diese Taxis verwenden nicht mehr Meter, so sollten Sie zuerst die Gebühr und die Lage mit dem Fahrer, bevor Sie in. Der offizielle Preis pro Kilometer liegt um PKR 7 aber erwarten, um rund doppelt bezahlen. Taxifahrten vom Flughafen zum Stadtzentrum Hotels in Saddar sollte nicht mehr als Rs 300 sein. Obwohl, können Sie immer im Voraus anrufen, um eine bessere Vorstellung über Taxi Preise bekommen. Private Taxis Bearbeiten Wenn Sie eine komfortable und klimatisierte Fahrt, sein bestes, um durch Marken-Taxi-Dienste, die mit staatlich anerkannten Tarife zu betreiben wollen. Diese Dienste betreiben moderne Flotten mit gut ausgebildeten Fahrern. Erhältlich mit 30-60 Minuten Notiz, theyre sauber klimatisiert mit digitalen, manipulationssicheren Metern pünktlich ehrlich und GPS-ausgerüstet und überwacht (was sie weit sicherer zu jeder Zeit) ausgestattet. Zu den respektierten Firmen gehören: White Cab. 21 ist am beliebtesten und kann am Flughafen oder überall in der Stadt angerufen werden. Pro Kilometerzähler ist PKR 15 plus PKR 50 Rufgebühren. Nur bei einem Anruf verfügbar (92 21) 111-789-786. Sie können leicht Kioske von White Cab in Level I von Jinnah International Airport, Parkplatz von Cantt Bahnhof, East Wharf Gate am Karachi Port Trust, G-4, AB, Court Road und 10-C, Main Khayaban-e-Shamsheer finden Phase 5, DHA Typische Kosten für einen ganzen Tag (8 Stunden, 150 km) ist US25. Metro-Kabine. 22 kann bei (92 21) 111-222-787 aufgerufen werden. In der Regel leicht vom Flughafen, ihre Preise sind vernünftig, sie haben eine weiße Corolla-Flotte - Pro mm Gebühren: Pak Rs. 20. Min Gebühren: Pak Rs. 300 im Umkreis von 12 km. Metros sind Taxis, die von verschiedenen Privatunternehmen betrieben werden. Ausländer sind oft überfordert. Himmelbett. 23 ist ein weiteres beliebtes Taxi mit Limousinenflotten. Sie können aufgerufen werden (92 21) 111-759-426. Pak Radiokabinen. UAN: 92 21 111 732-732 Pearl Cabs. UAN: 92 21 111 725-786 Careem, UAN92 111 227-336 Mit einer Autovermietung Bearbeiten Eine Reihe von privaten Taxiunternehmen bieten eine längere Fahrzeugvermietung, inklusive eines Fahrers. Avis ist auch am Flughafen vertreten und bietet selbstfahrende Fahrzeuge, aber es ist für ausländische Besucher generell ratsam, sich für ein Auto mit Fahrer zu entscheiden. Avis 24. verfügt über ein umfassendes betriebliches System, eine breite Palette von Flottenauswahl und hochqualifiziertem Personal. Ihre gebührenfreie Nummer ist 0800-111-69. Hertz 25. ist eine weitere gute Option. Sie haben Mercedes, Accord, Camry, Civic und Corolla Flotten. Ihre gebührenfreie Nummer ist 0800-HERTZ (43789) Europcar 26 Vintage Limousine Services. 92 21 5677721-23. Alle Arten von Fahrzeugen mit Chaufer, ohne Kraftstoff nur auf einen Anruf. Funkfernbedienung. 92 21 4604465. Rs 1.500 pro Tag inklusive Kraftstoff, wenn Sie in den Stadtgrenzen bleiben und Reisen weniger als 100 km. Waljis. 92 21 5660248. 13 Dienstleistungen Mess, Mereweather Rd. Für Selbstfahrer. Die Preise sind um Rs 2.400 pro Tag (ohne Kraftstoff unbegrenzte Meilenzahl). Reisen amp Kultur Dienstleistungen. 92 21 35218097. 702 Panorama Zentrum Fatima Jinnah Straße Saddar. Für Autos und Vans mit Fahrer für Touren in Karachi oder aus Karachi Ausflüge. Preise sind um Rs 2.800 pro Tag (ohne Kraftstoff). 27 HA Rent A Car 28. Ist die zuverlässigste Autovermietung in Pakistan, HA ein Auto mieten Pakistan führend beste Autovermietung Pakistan Services. Cell Number ist 92 321 555 2572. Rent Cars 247 29, ist die beste und Top-Agentur in Islamabad, Pakistan. Mieten Sie die besten und billigsten Autovermietung. Rufen Sie an: 92 304 111 9994. Pak Mietwagen 30. Best Rent A Auto Service in der Stadt. Ihr Auto ist nur einen Anruf entfernt von Ihrer Haustür. Bereitstellung von Haustür Lieferung 247. Call: 92 342 022 2262 Durch Rikscha Edit Rikschas (auch als Dreirad-Roller, Tuk-tuks oder einfach Autos) sind gut für kürzere Fahrten. Rikschas finden Sie überall in der Stadt. Preise vorher festlegen und feilschen. Sie dont in der Regel folgen Verkehrsregeln, so dass einige denken könnte, seine gefährlich, aber theyre völlig sicher und eine billige Art und Weise zu umgehen. Anruf-ein-Rik. 31 92 331 2255745, ist eine innovative Art der öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel. Diese Rikschas werden mit Tracker-Geräten und hat auch LED-und Sound-System für Kunden-Entertainment. Die Preise sind sehr vernünftig bei rund Rs 10 pro km. Chingchi Rikscha. Ist eine weitere erschwingliche Transport-Service, der eine Gruppe von Menschen, wo jeder Passagier zahlt für ihren eigenen Sitz trägt. Ein Chingchi ist an fast jeder Signalüberfahrt vorhanden, aber theyre verboten in den Stadt-Südbezirk wegen des Verkehrschroms. Von MRT Edit Karachi Circular Railway verwendet, um in der Stadt laufen, aber geschlossen wegen übermäßiger Verluste. Ein Projekt zur Umwandlung der bestehenden, aber nicht operativen Karachi Circular Railway in ein modernes Nahverkehrssystem, das auch einen unterirdischen und erhöhten Mereweather Tower zur Sohrab-Goth-Linie umfasst, wurde von der Regierung genehmigt, aber die Arbeit daran ist noch nicht begonnen worden. Mit der Fähre bearbeiten Zwei Fähren operieren zwischen Kemari und Manora Island benannt nach Arfa Karim und Afza Altaf auf täglicher Basis. Daneben operieren Hunderte von Booten zwischen Kemari und Manora auf täglicher Basis. Sie können auch Boot von den Sümpfen von Port Grand zu Boat Basin, Kemari und Savor Restaurant auf der Halbinsel DHA nehmen. Karachi bis Mumbai Ferry Service war bis 1965 betriebsbereit. Karachi ist Pakistans größte Metropolregion amp kosmopolitischen Stadt. Urdu ist die Landessprache und wird in ganz Pakistan als eine lingua franca gesprochen. Allerdings ist Pakistans größte Stadt und wichtigsten kommerziellen Zentrum, Englisch ist weit verbreitet in der Corporate-Welt und in Banken und Handel. Englisch ist auch die offizielle Landessprache, und Sie werden in der Lage, mit Englisch überall zu bekommen, wie die meisten Menschen, die Sie begegnen können in gebrochenen Englisch zumindest kommunizieren. Schilder und Ankündigungen sind zweisprachig in Englisch und Urdu. Individual listings can be found in Karachis district articles Karachi is a huge city and there is a lot to see here, so all individual listings are in the appropriate district articles, but the typical tourist sights are concentrated in South Karachi. An overview is presented here. Waterfront and Seafront Edit A view of the Port Grand Promenade Port Grand. MT Khan Road ( Under Jinnah Bridge ), 32. is an extensive food street and entertainment complex located at Port of Karachi near Native Jetty Bridge in downtown Karachi. It has a pedestrian friendly pier, housing different restaurants on one side and views of Karachi Harbor on the other side. The center of the attraction is 150 years old Banyan tree and an iconic tavern building known as the Napiers tavern that sits at the edge of the Napier Mole Bridge. The Port Grand also has shops, port bazaar, bookstore, florist, Art lane, 6D Cinema, ATMs and a Hindu temple. You can also take boat ride from here to the adjoining creek for Rs. 500. There is an entry fee of Rs. 300 per person out of which Rs. 200 is redeemable at different food outlets and shops inside the facility. Entry fee is waived for Jubilee Saffron and UBL card holders, selected university students, children below 12 years and adults above 65 years. Some restaurants also offer free entry on advanced reservation. Also entrance is strictly for families amp couples and single males are not allowed inside except for Wednesday evenings. Opens daily from 6:00PM to Mid night, the facility is accessible from M. T. Khan Road for visitors coming via carstaxis and from Jinnah Bridge for visitors coming through buses. Parking is free with a complimentary valet service. 160edit Clifton Beach. Beach Avenue. was the worlds most popular silver-sand beach and health resort during 20th century but now it is affected by an oil spill that occurred in 2003. The beach is still Karachis most busiest beach due to its location with in the central metropolitan area, although here youll want to take a stroll rather than a swim. There is also a nearby Beach Park. The beach is deserted before late afternoon, and most festive on Sundays. Camel and horse rides on the sands are popular, while hawker stands sell cold drinks, chai (tea) and grilled corn. There is also a nearby Water Jet Fountain which is the worlds tallest fountain that remains open during weekends between 6PM and midnight. The taxirikshaw to the Clifton beach from Saddar might take around PKR 200. 160edit Dolmen City. Beach Avenue ( next to the clifton beach ). is the largest shopping complex of Karachi. It is home to numerous high street shops, a huge Carrefour hyper market, Sindbad amusement park for kids and a large food court with eateries from western cinnabon, fat burger, johnny rockets to the most trendiest GunSmoke. You can also enjoy beautiful sea view from Gloria Jeans here or try Fish Spa. 160edit Bagh-e-Ibn-e-Qasim. Shahrah-e-Firdous ( next to the beach park, opposite Park towers ). is the most famous park of the city. Attractions include: Lady Lloyd pier, Jahangri Kothari parade, a century old amusement park called Funland, an underground Hindu temple, a mosque and a mausoleum. Two of Karachis photo walks held here and the park offers many subjects. Try to visit the park at late evening hours when the park is lit. It is closed in the daytime anyhow. Frei. 160edit Boat Basin. Khayaban-e-Roomi. got its name from the famous China Creek which was used to park boats. Today the creek is surrounded by a large public park called Benazir Bhutto Park spread over an area of 240 acres (40 acres dry area and basin on 200 acres). The park is the most expensively built in the country and just across it is a mile-long strip of open-air street food amp restaurants. Frei. 160edit Do Darya. Beach Avenue. also referred as Devils Point and located in DHA Phase 8 next to the Arabian sea has now become a giant food district housing several authentic restaurants such as Kolachi, Charcoal, Ambala, Afridi Inn and several others. Restaurants with dine in by the sea really worth a visit. Also, the place is getting popular for dinner cruises, Savor and nearby Carlton Hotel offers dinner cruises in the Arabian Sea. Rs. 1000-1500 per head. 160edit Museums Edit There are a few good, if not so many, museums in Karachi which can be referred to as the most famous museums in Pakistan. Most of the museums in the city are concentrated in Karachi South district (Saddar amp Clifton) such as Mohatta Palace, Quaid-e-Azam (Muhammad Ali Jinnah, founder of Pakistan) Mausoleum and Museum, State Bank Museum and most popular National Museum of Pakistan. Also worth planning a visit is prominent Arts Council of Pakistan. There are many small museums scattered in all over the city. For listings of specific museum, see the individual district sections of our guide. Quaid-e-Azams Mausoleum and Museum. The tomb of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, founder of Pakistan, is a prominent and impressive landmark of Karachi located at the City Center. Designed by architect Yahya Merchant, this white marble Mausoleum with its curved arches, copper grills and a four-tiered crystal chandelier gifted by the peoples Republic of China is a must see. There is also a museum and large park surrounding the mausoleum. Entry fee is Rs 20. 160edit Mohatta Palace Museum of regional history. Clifton. 33. a beautiful palace that now houses a museum with rotating exhibits, often modern art and offers a diverse range of activities for both the casual and informed visitor. The exhibitions in the museum detail the history of Pakistans distinctive artistic heritage. Theres also a small but nice gift shop with art and handicrafts. The museum open every Tuesday to Sunday from 11:00AM to 6:00PM and it is closed on Monday. Entry fee to the museum is Rs 20 for adults while it is free for students and children under 12 years. Gallery talks are conducted every Wednesday at 12.00 noon and are strictly by appointment only. You can also reach the museum through Bus No 20, Minibus N and W30 and Coaches Super Hasan Zai and Khan Coach. 160edit National Museum of Pakistan. Dr Ziau-ddin Ahmed Rd. displays two million years old axe discovered from the Potohar Plateau. There is a remarkable gallery describing the early civilisation of Debal and Mansura. Another gallery Freedom Movement gallery contains a large collection of pictures and articles arising from the time of the Independence movement . Items on display include archeological artefacts, islamic art, and other historical documents. Currently being renovated, caretakers may unlock some of the dusty, largely empty rooms for you. The museum opens every Thursday from 10AM-1PM and 2PM-5PM and every Saturday through Tuesday from 9:00AM to 12 noon. 160edit Quaid-e-Azam House ( Flagstaff HouseM. A. Jinnahs House ), Fatima Jinnah Rd. The home of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, founder of Pakistan, it has many items Jinnah owned and from the same time period. A step back in time. The museum is free but you should tip the guide a little bit. A nice garden as well. 160edit Frere Hall ( Bagh-e-Jinnah ), Abdullah Haroon Road. A beautiful British Colonial building, it now houses an art gallery (Sadequain Galerie,) a library plus a peaceful garden. It also hosts an old book sale on some weekend days. Frei. 160edit State Bank Museum. I. I Chundigar Rd. 34. is the money museum of Pakistan that exhibits financial history of the country. The museum consist of seven Galleries and it remains opens Mon-Fri from 9:00AM to 5:00PM. Frei. 160edit Pakistan Maritime Museum. Karsaz Road. 35. located just next to Arena 36 and the famous Ringoli Restaurant in Karsaz, Pakistan Maritime Museum is a well maintained, fascinating and highly recommended maritime museum. Apart from several interesting galleries including the Naval Gallery, Marine Life Gallery, Maritime History Gallery and Interactive Science Gallery which houses scientific articles and machines of FDSK and SUPARCO (Pakistans Space Agency), there are some great outdoor exhibits. The museum is also a venue of seasonal Karachi Dolphin Show 37. which happens mostly in winters. Dont forget to check out the midget submarine, mine sweeper and breguet atlantic aircraft. The museum remains open seven days a week from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm. The entry ticket for Adults is Rs 30 and Children Rs 20. 160edit Pakistan Air Force Museum. 38. has 30 aircrafts on show, including an Indian Gnat that was captured by Pakistani forces in 1965. The Museum is also a major venue for events and has an outdoor Amusement Park called Sindbad. The museum remains open everyday throughout the year from 8:30AM to 10:00PM except for Friday when it opens from 3:00PM to 10:00PM. The entry fee for Adults is Rs 30 while it is free for children under 3 years and senior citizens over 60 years. 160edit PIA Planetarium. ( next to Karachi Expo Centre, on main University Rd ). is a virtual observatory which regularly puts on shows about the solar system and cosmic phenomenon. The shows in English are much more detailed, and are held every Sunday evening. On other days there are only Urdu shows. A ticketed, guided tour by an officer enables one to view the plane from the inside its cockpit, pilot seats, and various other areas. Tickets for the planetarium show are Rs 45, and for the show plus the plane tour are Rs 60. 160edit Karachi Expo Centre. University road ( opposite City and District Government Offices ), 39. is a huge venue for different Trade Shows. Some of the most popular shows include IDEAS, Dawn Lifestyle, My Karachi and Expo Pakistan. Frei. 160edit WWF Wetland Centre. Sandspit. 40. Explore the wildlife of Karachi in the middle of mangrove forests, just 35 min drive away from the city centre. The activities include trips to mangrove forests, beaches, bird watching, turtle watching, lake watching and nature excursions can be arranged. It also houses an information center which provides an overview of the major Ramsar sites, biodiversity of the area and geographical information. 160edit Colonial buildings and landmarks Edit The British built variety of private and public buildings during British Raj from 1858 to 1947 in Karachi, many of which colonial buildings and landmarks still remains today. The city possesses over 600 protected buildings dating largely to the British period. Some fine examples are located in the Karachi South district, such as Frere Hall, Mughal architecture styled Mohatta Palace and Hindu Gymkhana, Karachi Port Trust, Khaliqdina Hall, City Court Building, Denso Hall, Quaid-e-Azam House, Trinity Church, Sind Club, Karachi Gymkhana, Karachi Cotton Exchange, DJ Science College, Supreme Court, Saint Andrews Church, Saint Patricks Cathedral, Sindh High Court, Wazir Mansion and the most notable Empress Market. There are a also lot of other modern and old structures to look at in this district specially in Saddar town. These include Habib Bank Plaza, which was built in 1963 and was the the tallest building in South Asia for more than a decade. To get the best experience, take a long stroll around the wide roads of MA Jinnah Road, and I I Chundrigar Road. Other famous monuments to be seen in I I Chundrigar area are the Mereweather Tower, Former Lloyds Bank building, Karachi Stock Exchange and many banks that are also excellent examples of colonial architecture in the city. This area preserves some of the finest private architecture from Karachis early period. The area is known as main business street of Karachi and home to a large number of banks and office buildings. It is the also largest financial district in the country and often termed as the Wall Street of Pakistan. Beaches and Islands Edit Riding on the beach in Karachi Karachi coastal line of more than 60 km stretches from Cape Monze in the west to Bundle Island in the east however most of its area is barren except little tourist attraction or facilities provided and waiting for developments. Karachi has many big and small beaches, including one in the Karachi Souths downtown area Clifton Beach, which is citys busiest and most popular beach. But they arent that great and the water off Karachis coast is extraordinarily dirty and also these beaches are not the kind where women can wear swimsuits particularly two-pieces. The relatively better ones are in the Karachi West district most popularly Sandspit Beach, Hawks Bay Beach and French beach. These are located at the outskirts of the city and are less strict about clothing. These beaches are also the breeding ground for endangered turtles and sometimes contain stinging jellyfish, especially during the monsoon (July to September), so it is advisable to avoid walking on beach alone after dark. Karachi also has several islands including Oyster Rocks, Bundle Islands, Minora Island and Churna Island. Minora Island is a great place to visit and there are ferries and boats available from Keamari terminal to take you there. This is the island where the Talpurs gave up to British. You can find ruins of the 19th century hindu temple and church. Many food stalls here are selling fish. Another island is Churna Island which is a Naval gunnery site and coral reef. It is gifted with a marine park and here you can find fishes from Dolphins, Sea urchins, Barracudas, Hound fish, Marlin, Angel fish, Turtles, Parrot fish, Sea Anemones, Jelly fish, Puffer fish and creatures that are just beyond the word Beautiful. Besides the marine life, there are also birds of various species on the island. Divers Reef organize weekly trips to the island from PKR 3500 per person. Parks Edit Karachi has a justified reputation as a concrete jungle, but there are some nice pockets of greenery within the city. Some city parks are very well-maintained mostly in Karachi South district where two most popular Bagh-e-Ibn-e-Qasim Park and Boat Basin Park are located. Others being Polo Ground, Frere Hall, Hilal Park, Nisar Shaheed Park, Sea View Park, Captain Raja Farhan Ali Shaheed Park offers various facilities such as Playland area Contact 923218736448 facebookCaptRajaFarhanAliShaheedPark and Zamzama Park. Zamzama Park offers various facilities such as skating rinks, walking paths, jogging tracks, bonsai gardens, gymnasium, Playland area Contact 923218736448. It also houses Karachis only Modern Arts Museum FOMMA. The city zoo (Karachi Zoo formerly Gandhi Garden) is also located in this district and well-preserved. Jheel Park and Hill Park are also very popular and offers birds eye view of the city. In Karachi East, there are plenty of amusement parks as well as adventure parks with Safari Park being most popular. Aamir Kanji Gardens inside Aga Khan University Hospital is one of citys best urban landscaped garden. Quaid-e-Azam park is the largest park of steel town. In Malir district, you can found plenty of water parks, a best option for relaxation. Karachi also have Pakistans second largest national park Kirthar National Park, which is situated outside the city in the Kirthar range mountains in Karachi District. Pakistans largest national park Hingol National Park is also located just 190kms from the city. Ice skating in the Arena There is much to do in Karachi, a city of more than 18 million people is unlikely to be short on activities. Simply let yourself be overwhelmed by this city, its size and scope, its heart breaking disparity between rich and poor, and its breathtaking sights and sounds. Karachi isnt just a city, it is a world unto itself. KiaSceneHai. pk. 0344-4436661. 41. Discover whats happening in Karachi through online event discovery offered by KiaSceneHai. pk 160edit Relaxation Edit You can walk along the beaches . under clear skies, which at night is an experience worth the travel alone, as visitors can gaze towards the heavens while the Arabian sea cascades over their sandalled feet. Streetlights dotting the coast of Karachi increase the beauty of the sea and surrounding areas. A Riding Victoria type horse carriage from Polo ground to Clifton can be a memorable experience. Most city dwellers visit other beaches at the outskirt of the city like Hawksbay, Paradise Point, Sansdpit amp French Beaches. Huts are available on these far-flung beaches, where you can also do fishing . yachting . ride on horses and camels . collect sea shells or dive . Manora Island, next to Clifton Beach, is another breathtaking place for a picnic. Private boats are the easiest way to reach the Island they can easily be hired from marshes Port Grand. Manora Island also has a shrine, a light house, hindu temple, church and some hundred-year old monuments. For those who love watching the city skyline . they can visit Hill Park, an amusement park, offering a nice view of the City. Karachi has recently been experiencing a spa and massage boom, and there are now plenty of choices for everything from holistic Ayurveda to green tea hydrotherapy. Good spas can be found in most five-star hotels such as Avari, Marriott, Sheraton, Ramada Plaza, Regent Plaza and PC. There are plenty of options for Boating amp Cruise Dining . Checkout the options by Savor 42 and Carlton Creek Hotel 43 If you have the time, and inclination to smoke, check out one of Karachis cigar lounges. They stock quality international brands including authentic Cuban cigars at Club Havana (DHA 5). Other notable lounges are Castros and the Cigar Bar in Zamzama. These places have luxurious interiors and can give the illusion of being in a 1950s film, Note that you will have to pay a handsome sum for the pleasure of genuine Cubans. You can also try shisha at Cafe Shisha or at Indulge. Entertainment Edit Karachi is also a great place to go to the movies. Most cinemas have world-class standards and show the latest Hollywood, Bollywood and Pakistani releases. The tickets are available at very low prices compared to the west and expect to wear 3D glasses for some of the latest Hollywood releases. Atrium Cinema 44. located inside Atrium Mall in Saddar. There is also a gaming zone Atrium GHQ just next to the cinema entrance. Nueplex Cinemas 45. is Pakistans largest Cinema Complex located inside The Place at Khayaban-e-Shaheen, DHA Phase VIII (Opposite Creek Vistas Apartments). The complex has five theatre halls 270 seats in cinema 1, 360 seats in cinema 2, 275 seats in cinema 3, 148 seats in cinema 4 and cinema 5, which is a luxury cinema, has 48 seats. Cinepax 46. located in Ocean Mall, Clifton Karachi Cineplex 47 . 5D Cinema . 48,a 8 seat movie cinema is located inside Emerald Mall Karachi offering a unique movie experience. You might also like experiencing 6D Cinemas located inside Port Grand and Millenium Mall or visit The Arena . 49 a gaming arcade at Karsaz offering an ice skating rink, a bowling alley, minigolf course, arcade games, rock-climbing and much more. Area 51 is another bowling alley located besides creek club in DHA Phase VIII. Culture Edit Karachi has a fine collection of Anglo-Indian architecture . a legacy of the British Raj, which will keep history buffs engaged. Culture vultures will find a city with many art galleries . displaying a broad spectrum of works from Asia, and some New Age works from aspiring Pakistani artists. Adventure amp Sports Edit One is spoiled for choice by the variety of adventure options that can be found in Karachi: Jetski. Airmen Club, Korangi Creek. 92-300-8202332 (Jetskikarachigmail ), 50. Mon to Sun 6am-6:30pm. 1999-4999. 160edit Snorkelling . Explore the beautiful aquatic life of Arabian Sea at a totally different level. Spend a thrilling, fun and excitement filled day with Divers Reef 51 at the Churna Island and know what true open sea adventure is all about for PKR 3500. Scuba diving . Karachi Scuba Diving Center 52 organizes and promotes swimming, lifesaving, skin diving and scuba diving, through training programs to provide a complete range of instructions. Water sports . Jetski Rentals at Jetski Karachi 53. Sailing ( at the Karachi Yacht Club ), snorkelling, water-skiing, wind surfing, deep sea fishing which are accessible due to the Citys Arabian Sea coast. Paragliding - packages offered by Karachi Gliding Club. Offshore Fishing . If you are a nature and outdoor lover, then saltwater fishing is the sport for you. The adventure and joy of Karachis outdoor wilderness, fishing in the virgin blue waters, will definitely be one of the finest and exciting investments of your lifetime. Aghas Sportfishing 54 (the headquarters of saltwater sport-fishing in Pakistan) was established in 1985 in Karachi, with the prime purpose of promoting sea fishing in the country. It organizes offshore sport-fishing tournaments, provides fishing guide service, sells charters and takes out fishing publications that also highlight environmental issues. The company also promotes marine environmental causes. Go Aish Adventure park . University Rd, 55 is Karachis largest adventure park offering different adventure activities such as rope course, Paintball, Wall climbing, ATV track, Big Swing amp Flying Fox. Golf . there are several fine golf courses which host international tournaments such as the Pakistan Open on the Asian circuit. Airmen Golf Club has the biggest golf course in Pakistan. Cricket can be found at every conceivable corner, from the lush grounds of the more wealthy professional clubs or elite schools to the side streets of the working class Saddar City district. Water parks . there are several water parks located in the suburbs of the city near the Super highway. Some popular ones include: Fiesta . 56. opens only on weekends (fri-sun) and public holidays. Sunway Lagoon . 57 Cosy Water Park . 58 Amusement parks Edit Dont miss the indoor kids theme parks that are located inside shopping malls, listed under Buy Dreamworld Resorts . 59 Pakistans MashAllah icon Resort with Golf club, Amusement Park, Water Park, 5-star Hotel, Spa, multiple World-class restaurants, numerous all-ages entertainment and sports events. Also very popular among Corporate for various official events and meetings as well as different Corporate entertainment activities. Aladdin Amusement Park . Gulshan-e-Iqbal, 60 is an outdoor theme park with several rides for children. It also has a mini zoo and offers options for boating, shopping etc. Sindbad . Gulshan-e-Iqbal, is another outdoor kids theme park offering different rides for children. Dont be confused with other Sindbads which are located inside different shopping malls in Karachi. Askari Park . Main University Rd. The reptilian house and aquarium are worth a visit. Hill park amp Jheel park . ( near Tariq Rd ), offers Birds eye view of Karachi. Karachi Visual Park . Well its nothing compared to the ones in Dubai and Vegas but for those who wants to see the glimpse. Wildlife Edit Safari Park . Gulshan-e-Iqbal, 61 has a zoo, a childrens playland and many gardens. It is one of the major recreation and amusement areas of Karachi geared with viewing facilities like chairlifts and safari tracks, as well as two natural lakes. You might be interested in catching a birds-eye view of the animals from the Chair lifts here or enjoy Swan lake which is a natural lake featuring a pagoda style sitting place. There is also an adventure park called Go Aish Adventure Park 62 also running in the Park as well as Metro Cash amp Carry 63. Aladin Park 64 is also originally a part of Safari Park but has a seperate entrance from Rashid Minhas road. Dolphin Show . 65 Experience the beauty of sea life and a dazzling array of flips, leaps and twists of Dolphins at Pakistan Maritime Museum, Karsaz Road Karachi. Karachi Zoo 66. Garden Rd, ( formerly called Gandhi garden ), Reptile house, a natural history museum, and a mughal garden. Turtle Spotting . In the evenings of September and November, you can easily spot giant Olive Ridley and green turtles along parts of Hawkes Bay and Sandspit. The best way see them is to go with a local naturalist or hire a boat from Keamari with a knowledgeable captain for the specific purpose of watching them. Crabbing tours . Karachi Oyster Rocks is an amazing location for crabbing. Avari Hotel organizes crabbing tours where you will be picked from the hotel in the evening for Kemari harbor where you will be transferred to board on a traditional sail boat. It will cruise outside the Karachi harbor and stop near oyster rocks to try your luck to catch crabs. The crabs caught by you and the expert fishermen will be cooked on board with traditional style of mild spices and fried potatoes and you can have a delicious dinner and enjoy the sunset at Karachi harbor. You will be bought back to the hotel around 8:30 - 9 PM Clubs Edit Karachi has numerous quality country clubs. If you know anyone who has membership (they are, of course, restricted) check them out. Arabian Sea Country Club . Bin Qasim, 67. 68 . Aga Khan sports club . Stadium Rd. Auto travel club . 72 Garden Rd, 69 . Arena 70. Karsaz Rd. Ice skating rink, bowling alley, mini golf, arcade games and rock climbing. Civil Aviation Club . Star gate, Sharah-e-Faisal Carlton resort hotel amp club . DC-5, Opp. Zulfiqar Street, Phase 8, D. H.A. UAN, 92 21 111 727 272, Dinner amp boating excursion. Countryside Chalets, Club E Resort . Super Highway, 71 . Dreamworld Resort, Hotel and Golf club . ( adjacent to Gulshan-e-Maymar, off main Super Highway ), 72 . DHA Creek Club . Phase 8, DHA. DHA Golf Club . Phase 8 DHA, 73 . Karachi Boat Club . MT Khan Rd. Karachi Club . Ziauddin Ahmed Rd. Karachi Gymkhana 74. 4 Club Rd. Karachi Race club Karachi Scuba Diving . 75 . Karsaz golf club . Karsaz, 76 . Kashmir Club . Kashmir Rd, PECHS. Marina Club . 77. DHA. PAF Yacht club . Korangi creek. Pavilion end club . Rashid Minhas Rd, ( adjacent to Alladin park ), 78. Club house, sporting facilities and swimming pools. Sea View riding amp Equestrian club . Clifton Sind Club . Abdullah haroon Rd, 79 . Sunset Club . Khayaban-e-Jami, Phase 2 Extension, D. H.A The Royal Rodale . TC-V, 34th Street, Khayaban-e-Sehar, Phase-V, Ext.,DHA UAN: 92 21 111 000-168, 80. Sports and recreational complex with dining, banquets, sauna, jacuzzi, gym, swimming pool, yoga, aerobics, tennis, billiards, and snooker. The Yacht club . ( Standard Chartered Bank compound ), I. I. Chundrigar Rd, 81 Medical Treatment Edit Medical tourism in Pakistan is viewed as an untapped market. A number of modern health facilities exist while majority of doctors amp surgeons are foreign qualified. Many patients, mainly of Pakistani origin, from the Middle East, United Kingdom and United States, also travel to the city to seek a range of treatments which they cannot otherwise access in their resident countries either due to expense or lack of insurance coverage there common treatments that these patients seek include cardiac surgery, infertility treatments, dental surgery and cosmetic surgery including liposuction. A number of patients from neighbouring countries also travel frequently to Karachi for treatment. Learn Edit Body Beat. 1st Floor, 42-C, 10th Street, Badar Commercial Phase 5, D. H.A. (92-21) 3-584-1243 (bodybeatdancestudiogmail ), 82. Dance workout set to the latest Indian and Hip-Hop music. 160edit The MAD School. Zam One, Main Zamzama Boulevard, Zamzama Phase 5, D. H.A. (92-21) 0336-235-0775. Mon-Fri 11am-7pm. Run by a team of fervent artists and musicians who are dedicated to helping students learn means of expression in fun and interactive ways. The school aims to fine tune the students potential, elevating their passion to new heights. The faculty include the famous and talented Nida Butt amp Hamza Jafri. 160edit Candela. Salsa dance group with instructors from USA amp Canada. Have been dancing salsa and other Latin dance styles for over 10 years. Learn the hottest salsa moves from New York amp Los Angeles. The Original and Classic Salsa from Puerto Rico. 160edit Indus Scuba. No. C-23, Small Bukhari Commercial St 5, Phase 6, D. H.A. 92 21 3524-3153, 92 21 3524-3163 (infoindusscuba infoindusscuba ), 83. PADI scuba diving centre with scuba diving classes, equipment sales and service. 160edit Rangoonwala Community Centre. Dhoraji Colony. Variety of classes on cooking, computers, handicrafts, sewing, textile designing, English, fitness and more. Art gallery and other exhibitions. 160edit School of Leadership. Clifton. Provides a platform for individuals to discover and utilise their lives through conscious endeavor. A youth-driven organisation, SoL has a huge following and regularly organizes and facilitates learning conferences, seminars and events. 160edit Karachi is the financial and commercial capital of the country. There are many jobs available in the financial sector such as banking, the ITmedia sector such as BPO, call centre etc. especially for English-speakers which you can find at 84 and 85. You can also do acting in one of the largest play and drama industry of the world or work in one of many television morning shows. Individual listings can be found in Karachis district articles Karachi is the worlds cheapest city and the shopping capital of the country. You can shop to your hearts content, in the massive range of markets and bazaars that dot the city, or you can shop in one of the many modern shopping malls that are found across the citys more affluent sectors, namely Defence and Clifton. And dont worry too much about your budget as a recent survey by the Times newspaper (UK) found Karachi to be the cheapest city in the world. It is generally advisable to plan and list down the items that you want to buy before coming here. There are a great number of shopping places in Karachi, ranging from the traditional bazaar to the modern shopping malls. A first-time visitor should try and visit the bazaars, The bazaars usually consist of many small vendors selling a variety of products from accessories to clothes to food and drink. In addition, there are larger stores which are more specific in their products. Also one would find that the bazaars are a more culturally enriching experience. One problem is that when shopkeepers find out youre from out of town, they will charge you doubletriple prices. Try to go with someone local if you can to get a good price. If there is one book you need to pick up about the people of Karachi, go for Karachiwala: a subcontinent within a city written by Rumana Husain. It is a coffee-table book sold at all outlets of Liberty Books and copies of the book are also available at bookshops located in major hotels in the city. The book is priced reasonably, and it helps to understand the origins, traditions, history and lifestyles of the diverse communities inhabiting this metropolis. Buying Pakistani currency Edit The Pakistani currency is the Pakistani Rupee (PKR Rs). It is usually advised to get your foreign currency converted in local currency before you buy stuff (of course thats only applicable if youre planning to buy with cash and not credit card). A number of licensed currency exchange companies operate their offices located in various parts of the city that can be used for the exchange. A passport might be required as an identification document but the requirement is often ignored. Some good repute currency exchange companies are Dollar East and Galaxy International and they exist at both arrival and departure entrances of the airport. Most large department stores and souvenir shops, as well as all upscale restaurants accept major credit cards. Some small shops may choose to pass on their 2-3 service fee to you if you choose to pay through credit card, but this is negotiable so dont hesitate to haggle. ATMs exist almost every where across the city including airport and major hotels and accept major credit debit cards including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, UnionPay etc. ATMs charge fee of 3 of the transaction amount for foreign currency transaction. The exchange rate between the transaction currency and the billing currency used for processing foreign currency transactions is a wholesale market rate selected by Visa from within a range of wholesale rates in effect plus the Bank charges of 3 as the Foreign Currency Conversion Fee. Places to Shop Edit Shopping at a Karachi bazaar Shopping Malls are everywhere in Karachi. Locally renowned ones are: Atrium Mall 86. on Zebunissa Street is one of the brand new and largest shopping mall in the city. Its also home to Karachis only 3D Cinema, a Gaming Zone, Zam Zam departmental store and a giant food court. Dolmen Mall is the place to shop in Karachi, especially if youre looking for big shopping malls and high street designer boutiques. There are currently 3 Dolmen Malls in Karachi at Clifton, Tariq Road and Hyderi. Each is equipped with big and budget brands, an indoor kids theme park and huge floor dedicated to food. The Clifton Dolmen Mall is the largest of all and is also featured on CNN news report. The mall is home to Debenhams (a British department store), HBL Bank Smart Branch with cash deposit machine, a huge Carrefour hypermarket (locally called Hyperstar), ToniampGuy salon and the countrys largest Sindbad (the kids amusement park). Khaadi and Khaadi Home is a hip local chain stores with clothes, furniture and home goods. Wall Street Money Exchange company is also located inside Hyperstar in the mall. Ocean Mall . located in Pakistans tallest building The Ocean tower in Clifton, is one of the brand new malls of the city. It is home to Farids, one of the countrys most sophisticated retail shop which houses popular brands such as Liberty books, United Mobile, Scentsation, Pharmacy, MARS Currency Exchange, Mong Chow, OPTP etc all under one roof. It also has a wide-ranging Grocery Section that houses everything including gluten free food, soy milk, organic fruit and vegetables, diet and low fat food, pro-biotics and a fresh deli selection (catered by the best restaurateurs in town) and the famed Rahat Bakery. Other famous shops in the mall include Bonanza, BabyShop, Ego and Krude. The mall is also home to several restaurants including Turkeys most famous Solen Istanbul, Cafe Zouk and Shoko latte. Cinepax Movie Complex and Childrens Play Area are located on fourth floor of the mall. Chase ,87 is a departmental store selling various products at wholesale rates. You are sure to get the best value for your money here. The Forum . Clifton. Includes shops, food court and Ebco superstore. Park Towers . Clifton, 88. Includes Shop, food court, a superstore, an indoor kids theme park and art gallery. Lavish Mall . Tariq Rd. Jumeirah Mall . Tariq Road Millennium Mall . Gulshan-e-Iqbal. Includes shops, restaurants, indoor kids theme park, superstore, 6D cinema, cocktail bar and a bowling alley. Emerald Mall . Clifton, opposite Ocean Tower Makro Wholesale Centre . Saddar 89. Also houses famous clothing brands like Gul Ahmed, Kurta corner, Cambridge and Junaid Jamshed. PakStyle . Main Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi 90. A fashion store offers fashion apparel and accessories from different brands. You can also shop online and enjoy Free Home Delivery with COD services Metro Cash amp Carry . University Rd, Stargate Airport amp SITE 91 . Hyperstar - Carrefour . Inside Dolmen Mall, Clifton Awami Markaz . Sharah-e-Faisal. Imtiaz Super Market . Bahadurabad, Awami Markaz at Shahrah-e-Faisal, Nazimabad. 92. Store Of Selling Products, Exports Products, Ration With Highly Discount. Naheed Super Market . ( near Tariq Rd ). Superstores chain. Aghas super market . Shop no 1,Uzma court DC 3,Block 8,Clifton, Karachi. Sea View, Bahadurabad, 93. Superstores chain. Dreams . Mohd Ali Society. Lal Qila Lane, Karsaz, ( near Kay bees restaurant ). ARY Cash n Carry . Gulshan-e-Iqbal, 94. Superstores chain. Some of the main bazaars in Karachi that deserve a visit: Tariq Road Bazaar . is currently the largest shopping district of the city. It houses several shopping malls such as Dolmen Tariq road, Jumeirah and Lavish. Sunday Bazaar . for a wide variety of second hand goods. Zebunissa Street . ( formerly known as Elphinistone Street ) during the british era is now home to Karachis biggest high end shoes shops from Metro, Sputnik to English Boot House, Gold Souks and other retails shops. It also houses one of Karachis largest Atrium Mall. Bahadurabad Bazaar . adjacent to Tariq Rd Zamzama Boulevard . for upscale designers boutiques, clubs and restaurants. Gulf Area Market . many traditional vendors and more upscale boutiques and designer shoes Hyderi Bazaar . North Nazimabad, is also home to several high-end malls such as Dolmen Hyderi, Madni and Saima mall. KDA Market . Gulshan Iqbal. Comparatively small than other Bazaars of Karachi, but KDA offers wide range of brandednon-branded clothes, foot-wear and cosmetics. Zainab Market . Branded clothing for half the normal price. There are also three underground bazaars in Karachi at Bohri Bazaar, Nazimabad chowrangi and Liaqatabad No. 10. These are just a few to mention. On the whole, shopping in Karachi is interesting, exhilarating, and an often tiring experience. What to Shop Edit You can buy very cheap garments, bed sheets, shirts, T-shirts from any store located at Tariq Rd or Zainab market local branded stores include Chen One, Bonanza, Ideas (Gul Ahmed), Cambridge Shop 95. For upscale designers boutiques, you can go to Zamzama Avenue, It is also worth mentioning that many world renowned brands like Adidas, Levis, Slazenger, HangTen, Nike, Reebok, Calvin Kline Jeans, Armani, Versauce, American Eagle etc get their products prepared from Faisalabad which has got one of the largest textile industries of the World. You can find cheap products of these brands at local stores. You can get a pair of Levis jeans (or any other good brand for that matter) for just Rs 1200. Leather goods . like shoes, jackets and bags are also a specialty of Pakistan. Go to English Boot house 96. Hush Puppies, Sputnik, Shoe Planet, Servis, Metro, Gap shoes (at Tariq road), Lotus, Step-in (at Hyderi, North Nazimabad), Jaybees (at Zebunissa market, Saddar) for best quality shoes at low prices. Also, do shop for Leather Jacket, Leather Wallet, Ladies Bag and Travel bags from Panaroma Center in Zebunissa Street. Gold . at Gold souks located in major malls and across Zebunissa market. Gold in Karachi is available duty free and is cheaper than even Dubai and other major Gold destinations. Sports goods . like cricket bats, balls, kits, footballs, sports wear and almost anything related to sports you can imagine. You will not find such high quality equipments at such low cost anywhere else. To mention, Pakistan produces ninety percent of the worlds sports goods and is the largest provider of sports equipment to FIFA for the World cup. Pakistan produces cheap and high quality musical instruments . You can get an acoustic guitar for as low as Rs 2,000. Books . from Liberty Books next to Bar BQ tonight restaurant in Clifton. You can also find Liberty Books in most of the shopping malls and well as in the Marriot hotel. Computer accessories . Regal Centre, (Preedy St, Saddar), Rainbow centre (near Preedy St, Saddar for CDs amp DVDs), Technocity (II Chundrigar Rd, Saddar), Unicenter (II Chundrigar Rd, Saddar), Naz plaza (M. A Jinnah Rd). Electronics Cell Phone . from Electronic Market in Preedy St Regal. You can buy the worlds cheapest Samsung S4 here. Arabian, Afghan, Iranian and Pakistani carpets. Afghan carpets . ( Marriott hotel ) Asian carpet palace . Zebunissa St. Wazir Carpets . ( Hotel Metropole on Club Rd ) or visit stores located at Zamzama Ave. Wood carvings Gems. handicrafts, glassware, brassware, marble products, crystal works, carved wood and antiques, Zebunissa St, Saddar. ( formerly known as Elphinistone St ). Also buy pashmina, rugs, wool-shawls or wraps . which can cost anywhere between US15 to as much as US700. Remember to bargain. Ajrak . a shawl is the souvenir of Sind province. Souvenirs . such as decorative items from sea shells. Food stuffs . go to any super store like Dmart, Makro, Naheed especially buy Swat honey (the worlds best), biscuits and Mitchells Jubilee chocolate. Home accessories . visit shops located in Dolmen mall at Tariq Rd or one of many departmental stores such as Imtiaz and Zubedas. Art galleries V. M Art Gallery . Rangoonwala Community Centre Jahanzeb Art Gallery . Clifton Commercial area Vision Art Gallery . Kehkashan, Clifton Tariq Jay Gallery . P. E.C. H.S A. R. Fareedi . (Permanent Collection), Arts Council building Ahmed Pervaiz Gallery . Arts Council building Fayzee Rahamin Gallery . (French Cultural centre), Alliance Francaise De Karachi Art Gallery Sadequain Galerie . Frere Hall, Bagh-e-Jinnah, 92 21 920-4325, Ongoing art exhibition amp library plus a peaceful garden . Clifton Art gallery . 11-Al Habib Apartment, Clifton Rd Indus Art Gallery . Bath island, Feroznama Rd Chawkandi Art . DCI Kehkashan. Clifton Funkar Art Gallery . 202,Dean Arcade, Schon Circle, Building No.8, Clifton Studio Art . D-67,Block-9,Clifton Kunj Art Gallery . 147D KDA Scheme No.1 Majmua . The Art Gallery, 239 Staff Lines, Fatima Jinnah Rd. 97 Momart . The Art Gallery, Anum Classic, Mezzanine, Main Shahrah-e-Faisal Reevaj . The Art Gallery, at Park towersparktowers. pk Louvre Art gallery . 9 Pearl Haven, Block 5, Clifton Canvas Art gallery . A-3 Hassan Homes, Block 5, Clifton, Clifton Rd Zinaini . Clifton Commercial Area, This article or section does not match our manual of style or needs other editing. Please plunge forward. give it your attention and help it improve. Suggested fixes . Wikitravel articles are not meant to be a directory like a phone book, please help by trimming down the entries here and help provide more information that is of interest to the traveller Karachi is a multi cultures city where you can find every class of food of other areas of the country. As the worlds cheapest city, you can buy a normal lunch even at 0.5, however it may not be hygienic. Karachi has also several fantastic upscale restaurants, which serve a huge variety of cuisines. Most of the upper-end restaurants are either located within one of the major hotels in the city (the Sheraton, the Pearl Continental and Avari Towers), or in malls such as Dolmen, Ocean and Atrium or in the trendy shopping district of Zamzama in Defence. One can also easily find a franchise of KFC, McDonalds, Subway, Papa Johns, Mr Cod, Hennys, Pizza Hut, Domino and Dunkin Donuts. The beauty of the food in Karachi is that you will probably find cuisine for every taste. Food districts Edit Tipping Tip between 5-10 at sit-down places. If a place includes service charges on the bill, you dont need to leave an extra tip. Note the difference between service tax and service charges. Service tax goes to government and not to the staff. While tipping is always a good practice. Please do not miss the food courts located inside different malls listed under Buy. Beach Avenue. is a huge strip along the Clifton beach. is home to several restaurants including Pizza Hut. It is famous for its giant food outlets such as McDonalds, KFC, Burger king, Dip shop, The Village, Kinara and of course the Dolmen Mall. Along side, far away from main beach there is a strip known as Do Darya . it is a food district filled with several authentic restaurants: Sajjad, Afridi inn, Charcoal grill, Ambala, Kolachi, Hot bite etc to name a few. Here, the rocky shore provides shrimps which is used as bait to catch fish. 160edit Port Grand Promenade. 98. along side Karachi Harbor next to Clifton is the citys only pedestrian friendly food strip with scores of restaurants, cafes and eateries such as Aylanto, Chairman Mao, Bistro, Skewers, Mr. Cod, Mr. Burger, Oishi Sushi, One Potato Two Potato, Sheikh Abdul Ghaffar Kebab House etc. 160edit Zamzama Avenue. This is the place where the rich. famous and affluent like to hangout. Zamzama is home to the trendiest and hippest Cafes in Clifton town. where all the hip and young people of Karachi like to hang out in their designer attires and sip on the best brews in town. At the same time Zamzama is also home to the more up end and exclusive dining places in the city. some of the most expensive restaurants in the country are found on this one boulevard. For Cafes be sure to check out Ciao, Espresso. Aylanto, Chatterbox and of course the only chocolate caf in town Butlers Chocolate Caf ( the Irish chain). As far as restaurants go Copper Kettle, Arizona Grill and Roasters being the oldest restaurants on the street win hands down as far as popularity goes. For fine dining the most reputed places to head to are Fuchsia, Okra and Baan Thai. Other than the above mentioned Zamzama has a fair share major fast outlets scattered across it, the most notable being Pizza Hut, Dominos and Subway. 160edit Boat Basin. is a mile-long strip of open-air street foodrestaurants in Clifton. Favorites tend to include Karachi Broast, Mr. Burger, Qasr-Al-Nakheel, Jans, Dera, Nihari Inn, Cafe Clifton, BBQ Tonight and Tandoori Hut. Boat Basin is where almost all of Karachis late-partying citizens wind up, since food is often available here until 5-6AM, and some restaurants are open 24 hrs. Most dining is open air, during winter this becomes the most popular hangout place in the city. Local style breakfast (such as halwa puri and anda paratha) is also served at Boat-Basin from 6AM-7AM onwards. Note that restaurants here will frequently only accept cash. It is a good idea to carry enough cash to tide you over, at most of these locations Rs 1,000-2,000person will be more than sufficient. If youre not the experimenting type then theres always the fast food option. KFC, Pizza Hut, Burger King, Mr Burger and Nandos can all be found here. The Chicken Makhni (Butter Chicken) with Garlic Naan at Tandoori Hut is by far the most popular dish on this mile long gastronomic delight. 160edit Burns Road. It is one of the most famous food street in Karachi and known to many citizen of different cities of Pakistan. For authentic Karachi food this is the place to be in Saddar district. The best tasting Nihari, Sajji, Bottis and Tikkas can be found in this congested corner of Old Karachi. Burns Road is a part of Saddar the main business district of Karachi. Most of the restaurants here are built in really old pre independence era Victorian style buildings which sort of gives you the feeling of being in a crowded part of Old Delhi. Hygienically this may not be the cleanest part of town, but if you are a big time foodie and you really want to taste real Karachi food then seriously this is the place to head to. If food preparation hygiene is really an issue for you then the best option is to head to Food Centre, the biggest and prettiest building on the street. Places to head to here include Punjab Lassi house for the best Lassi in town, Food Center and Sabri Nihari. Other than these there are many more restaurants scattered througout this street. Restaurants accept only cash here. Price wise you can easily have food dessert and a glass of Lassi for less than Rs 300. 160edit Khadda Market. in Defenceis mainly famous for its delicious Paratha Rolls that can be eaten with a various array of different meats eg Chicken, Beef and Kebab to name a few. With different fillings and yea that includes Cheese and Garlic Mayo also. For the best Paratha Rolls head to Hot and Spicy and Red Apple. One average Paratha Roll with out any fillings will cost you around Rs 80. The more fillings you add the more price increases this can go up to around Rs 130-150 per roll. Other than the Paratha Rolls both of the above mentioned restaurants serve great Sandwiches and Burgers also. Other popular places in the area to head to are Chatkharay and Gazebo for Chaat. Indus Biryani for Biryani. Kay Bees for fast food. Mingcourt, Chopstix and China Ming for Chinese. Food aside Khadda market is home to the best Salons in the city for a designer snip head to Clippers and Pzazz. 160edit Sindhi Muslim SMCHS. The main food district in PECHS is basically built around one roundabout. Sindhi Muslim is home to the typical fast food joints like KFC, Nandos and Pizza Xperts. Places to check out over here are Kahva, Royal, Bundoo Khan and Hyders. Karachis famous Hob Nob bakery is also located here. Most recently a new coffee chain Gloria Jeans Coffee house has opened there. 160edit Shahbaz Commercial. This place is slowly developing in to the new Zamzama. With Zamzama getting more and more congested new restaurateurs are looking towards Shahbaz in Defence to set up their new businesses. Trendy cafes and restaurants have started to spring up left right and center. Shahbaz like Zamzama is basically a rich mans playground where most of the restaurants and cafes clientele comprises of people from the rich and upper middle class of society. Notable places to check out are Studio Cafe for the best Sheesha in town theres a seperate floor for Sheesha, the one thing thats special about this place is that once youre done eating your food a professional photographer takes you down to the basement for a photo shoot and you get a CD that contains your pictures in it to keep as a memorabilia of your visit here. Then theres Kaps Cafe that is a flower shop cum coffee shop all in one. Secret Recipe is popular for its sumptous Cheesecakes and other desserts. Not to forget Espresso is by far hands down the most popular cafe in town. this place serves the best western styled breakfast in town. Espresso has two more outlets in town but this branch tends to be the most popular one in town. The newly opened The Diner seems to be doing pretty well it serves great continental food. Sawasdee is famous for its tangy hot and sour Thai food. Other than the above mentioned your fast options in this part of town include Pizza Hut and Subway. 160edit 26th Street and Tauheed Commercial. Fine dining in Karachis Defence has officially found a new home. Most of the finest art galleries in the city are found in this area. so it isnt uncommon to come across a restaurant that has an art gallery within in it or vice versa. Hence because of this. this area has unofficially been dubbed the Artist district of Karachi. The finest French restaurant in the city if not the country Cafe Flo is located here. An artist favorite is Cafe Koel. The Patio is another favourite that has an art gallery attached to it. Purple Haze a popular youngster hang out where they occasionally have a Karaoke night. Another youngster favourite hang out is The Hotspot. The Hotspot is known to serve the best desserts in town. From Banoffee Pie to Supersonic fudge sundaes you name it and theyve got it. Infact you can also create your own Milkshake flavour over here like for eg Banana Caramel with White Chocolate (Toblerone). 160edit Hyderi. This densely populated suburb of Karachi (Central Region) in North Nazimabad has now grown into a food hub of Karachi housing numerous restaurants. It has a separate Mini food street (between 5 Star and Landi Kotal). US famous Hardees which is famous for its thick burgers and unlimited drink refills to other fast food chains like Pizza Hut, KFC, Arizona Grill, Burger king, Dominos, Nandos, Largess, California Pizza, Yogen Fruz, Lal Qila (chain Restaurant), Mc Donalds, Burger King, Montina Ice Cream Parlour and several others can also be found here. Hyderi is also home to sub branches of Karachi namely chains like Red Apple, United King Bakery, Bin Dawood Super Store and several other restaurants and food centers. 160edit Bahadurabad. in Gulshan is famous for its restaurants like Tooso, Wimpys and Have More and ofcourse the United King bakery. 160edit Tariq Road. Apart from Shopping, Tariq Road in PECHS district is also famous for different traditional food items including traditional Samosa, Katchori and especially the mixed fruit chat (Type of fruit Salad mixed with spices andor fresh Cream). Laziz Mix Fruit Chat Liberty Signal Tariq Road is the most renowned, famous and an old clean place for dine in and take away. 160edit Hasan Square. ( University Rd ). in Gulshan-e-Iqbal is famous for Sajji, Barbeque and various other Pakistani dishes. 160edit Drink Edit This article or section does not match our manual of style or needs other editing. Please plunge forward. give it your attention and help it improve. Suggested fixes . Wikitravel articles are not meant to be a directory like a phone book, please help by trimming down the entries here and help provide more information that is of interest to the traveller Drinking alcohol in public areas is nominally banned, since Pakistan is an Islamic country, but most of the top end hotels have their own bars. Non-Muslims are allowed to consume alcohol after obtaining a permit license. Karachi also has few legal shops that stock alcohol in posh areas. Try local brands like Murree Brewery, in addition to that there are other brands such as Budwieser and Barveria with non-alchoholic beer. Some larger hotels have bars, but often they are hidden (as in, you have to go through the laundry room or they are in a random guest room.) In soft drinks, try local Limca cola which makes pop sound when opened. you can also try Pakola Pakistans premier soft drink brand which is available in different flavors like Ice cream soda, Lychee, Orange, Raspberry, Apple sidra, Vino, Double cola, Bubble up etc. Also try, Lassi which is a classic yogurt drink that is served either plain or sweet, and is sometimes flavored or even fused with fresh fruit. Rooh-Afza, a red-color-sweet-herbal drink. Sugar Cane Juice which is extracted by mechanical force, it is best when fresh. You would also love the Falouda and Gola Ganda which include various kinds of syrups in crushed ice. If you want to drink plain water, always prefer bottled water of a good brand, it just costs Rs 35 for a 1.5 ltr bottle of Nestle water. Mirchi 360. Stadium Lane No. 2, Phase 5, D. H.A. 160edit Cafes Edit Aroma . ( Regent Plaza Hotel ), Main Shahrah-e-Faisal, UAN: 92 21 111 111-774 Bread people bakery amp Cafe . 10-C, Khayaban-e-Shahbaz, 26th St, Shahbaz Commercial Area, Phase 6, D. H.A. 92 21 524-3256. Live music bands, usually on random Saturday nights. Call for schedule. Basement . ( off Zamzama Ave ). Bowling Cafe . Royal Rodale, TC-V, 34th St, Khayaban-e-Sehar, Phase-V, Ext.,DHA, UAN: 92 21 111 000-168 Celsius . Defence Phase II, adjacent to Iqra University, UAN: 923343828155, 923218950766 Cinnamon . Avari Towers, Fatima Jinnah Rd, UAN: 92 21 111 282-747 CAFE 9 . 5-E, 9th Commercial Ln, Zamzama. Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 529-5081, 92 21 529-5082 Cafe Chatterbox . 3-C, 3rd Commercial Ln, Zamzama, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 583-0337, 92 21 586-9548 Cafe Fresh . ( Juice Zone ), Shop No. 1 Main Zamzama Blvd. Phase 5, D. H.A. Cafe Lamore . 4,I-C, 3rd Commercial Ln, Zamzama, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 581-0061 Cafe Lagoon . ( Dreamworld Resort ), 99. ( off main Super Highway ), 92 21 32219236, 92 21 32219246 Cafe Sheesha . Clifton Casbah amp 007 Club . ( Beach Luxury hotel ), MT Khan Rd. Saturday night dance party. Couples only. Call to confirm. 92 21 561-1031 Creek inn . DHA 8 Don Coreleons Cafe amp Restaurant . Mall Square, 6th Commercial Lane, Zamzama, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 583-0615 Damascus Cafe . ( near KPT Underpass ), Block-9, Clifton, 92 301 824-9444, 92 300 824-9444 Dunkin Donuts . 11 Locations around the city. Dj Vu . Clifton Indulge . For Sheesha, Park Towers. 100 92 21 587-7953, Millennium Mall, Rashid Minhas Road, Gulshan-e-Iqbal. 92 21 460-0995, 92 21 460-0996 Koel Cafe . F-422, Block 4 Scheme 5, Clifton Karachi, Pakistan. 92 21 530-9745 Kahva . 6-C, Mustafa Arcade, Block A, S. M.C. H.S. 92 21 455-3395, 92 21 455-3582 Latte Lounge . C3C, Nishat Commercial Area, Phase 6, D. H.A. 92 21 534-8631 OL . Plot 22, C-1, 6th Commercial Lane, Zamzama, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 529-5144, 92 21 529-5145 Opera Cafe . Grand Mercure Hotel, Karachi Airport, Star Avenue Terminal 1 Original Crepe Factory . Shop 1, Khaada Market, Main Khayaban-e-Mujahid, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 300-987-8778, 92 21 322 206-8783 Purple Haze . 66C-68C, 25th Street, Tauheed Commercial Area, Phase 5, D. H.A. ( in the basement of Evolution restaurant ). 92 21 586-0941, 92 21 582-4651. It serves some of the best desserts in Karachi and also Shisha (Arabic Tobacco). Karaoke nights are usually fun too. Roadside Cafe . F-10, FL 19, Block 5, Kehkashan, Clifton. 92 21 586-9777, 92 21 586-9778 Roasters . 10-C, 2nd Commercial Lane, Zamzama, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 530-2204, 92 21 530-2205 The Sports Bar C-22, Suite No. 2, 26th St, Tauheed Commercial Area Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 530-4257, 92 21 530-4258 The Elbow room . Mumtaz Hussain St, I. I. Chundrigar Rd, 92 21 241-2241, 92 21 241-2242 The Grapewine . Pearl Continental Hotel, Club Rd, UAN: 92 21 111 505-505 Venus Cafe ( Carlton Resort Hotel amp Club ), DC-5, Phase 8, D. H.A ( opp. Zulfiqar St ). 92 21 584-9172 UAN: 92 21 111 727-272 Butlers Chocolate Cafe Plot 10-C, 6th Commercial Lane, Zamzama Phase 5, D. H.A. Coffee houses Edit Avenue Art Cafe . 33-C, 6th Commercial Lane, Zamzama. Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 582-3972, 92 21 583-0983 Alao Coffee House . Shop 37, SB 3 K. D.A. Scheme 1 92 21 200-5129 Coffee Day . First Stadium Lane, Khayaban-e-Shamsheer, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 546-3814, Live rock bands, usually on random Saturday nights. Call for schedule Ciao . 31-C, 6th Commercial Lane, Zamzama, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 587-7974 Espresso ( 3 locations),The Forum Shopping mall, Clifton ,10th Commercial Lane, Zamzama, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 582-4007,Main Khayaban-e-Shahbaz, Commercial Area Phase 6 D. H.A. 92 21 534-2725. Fanoos Coffee Shop Sheraton Hotel Club Rd. 92 21 563-3333 Lattetude . Clifton Le Grand 9-E, 7th Commercial Lane, Zamzama Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 582-0186, 92 21 582-0187 The Second Floor (T2F) 101. 10-C, Sunset Lane 5, Phase 2 Extension, DHA, Karachi, 92 300 823-0276, 11AM - 9PM. The second floor is a wireless coffeehouse, featuring a bookshop and a space for creative expression and intelligent discourse. Apart from excellent coffee, T2F also has a range of excellent sandwiches, snacks and dessert. There are regular events such as poetry readings, book signings, workshops, talks, debates, film screenings, unplugged music sessions, gallery openings, exhibitions and stand-up comedy. Numerous well-known politicians, artists, writers, musicians, dancers, filmmakers and thinkers of all ages frequent the place to speak, work or simply hang out. U ampamp Me Coffee . 10-C 8th Commercial Lane, Zamzama, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 587-8913, 92 21 857-8931 Juice, milkshakes, frozen yogurts and ice cream Edit Agha juice since 1960 main Nazimabad No1, branches 1. Opp Amber Auditorium, Bahadurabad. 2. Main Rashid Minhas Rd, Gushan Iqbal. 3. Khadda Market Defence phase 5. The Dip Shop . ( near Sea View Mc Donalds and Gulshan Iqbal 13 ). Brown . Rahat Commercial, DHA Phase 6. Mvenpick Ice Cream . Clifton Gelato Affair . haidery, karsaz, clifton HotSpot . 33st, Towheed, DHA Phase 5 Hyder Juice . Sindhi Muslim Housing Society Commercial Area, ( near Tariq Road and off Shahrah-e-Quadeen Rd. ) Tutti Frutti, Many locations in the city, Dolmen City Mall, North Nazimabad etc. Yogunfruz, Bahadurabad Snog Frozen yogurt, Dolmen city mall Red Mango Tcby Cigar lounges Edit Castros Cigar lounge . Carlton Hotel, DC-5, Opp. Zulfiqar Street, Phase 8, D. H.A. UAN: 92 21 111 727-272 Cigar Bar . 6th Commercial Lane, Zamzama, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 530-2006 Club Havana . 2, Vawda House, 10C, 10th Commercial Lane, Zamzama. Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 537-4463, 92 21 582-1696 Mizaaj . Clifton. An Egyptian theme restaurant, is also famous for cigars. Club Genova,37-C khayaban-e-Seher off Saba avenue DHA. Karachi, Pakistan-74500 Badal Pan Shop . North Nazimabad near Five Star Chowrangi, Karachi, Pakistan 92 333 292 9142 Maps:102 Nightlife Edit Excelsior, Tobys bar, Purple haze, Basement, the Casbah. Karachis night life has become the envy of the region. Bars, nightclubs and dance halls have sprouted across the city and some people have also made entertainment venues in their own homes. In the seaview and defence area there are Sports car and bike races. Port Grand . 103 is an extensive entertainment amp food complex in downtown Karachi housing numerous food outlets, shopping malls, art gallery, tavern area, pedestrian friendly street and much more. Arts Council . 104. Live theatre . Karaoke nights amp Live Bands at Purple haze . at Base Rock cafe 105 (6th lane, Ittehad, DHA phase 6), at The Sports Bar (26th Street, Towheed, DHA Phase 5), and at Thespianz Theater Bread People Bakery amp Coffee Day Cafe . Live music bands, usually on random Saturday nights. The Elbow room . ( off II Chundrigar Rd ). Concerts, movie nights, masquerade balls. Nadia Cafe . ( Marriott hotel ). Theme Nights Royale Rodale club on Sea View Road with a gym, sauna bath and a bar and bowling alley. Spianz Theater . Live theatre. PC Hotel . Live band playing all types of music from 8:30PM-11PM. Live Ghazal band from 11PM-2AM Karachi Club . Live band playing all types of music from 8:30PM-11PM. Live Ghazal band from 11PM-2AM Al-Bustan . ( Sheraton Hotel ). Live Pakistani traditional band playing nightly from 8PM-12 midnight. Dumpukht . ( Marriott Hotel ). Live Indian traditional dancer every night except Monday from 8-11:30PM. Beach Luxury Hotel . Saturday night dance party for couples. Boat Basin . Restaurants at are open till 6AM Carlton Hotel . offers a luxury cruise out to sea with a buffet dinner for up to 35 people Sleep Edit Individual listings can be found in Karachis district articles Contact Edit The area code for Karachi is 21 . Prefix 92 If you are calling from outside Pakistan. Phone numbers are eight digits long. All mobile numbers, however are 11 digits long and begin with 03, and should not be dialled with the city prefix. Omit the 0 when dialing a cell phone from outside Pakistan and prefix the 92 code. Internet Access . can be obtained easily on mobile phone or notebook computers with the help of GRPS or 3G4G LTE, supported by almost all of the 5 mobile operators. Alternatively, you can buy PTCL Evo Wingle 106. which is a USB internet device with speed upto 9.1 mbps. Basically, Karachi is one of the most internet-friendly city compared to other cities of Pakistan, specially downtown area as it is refereed as wall street of Pakistan, for example Witribe 107. Qubee 108 and Wateen 109 also offers wireless pocket modems with good speed at low prices. Wifi . There are several free Wifi Hotspots in Karachi 110 in hotels, malls and cafesresturants. Wateen HotSpot 111 is a paid WiFi service, which is being offered free of any charges for a limited time only. Cybercafes . used to be found on virtually every street corner with rates as low as Rs 15-20 per hour but most of them have closed now with the emergence of mobile internet but still some exist. The ones which exist usually use 14 inch monitors with Windows 2000, Windows 98 or Windows XP installed. They usually dont have a very fast operating system or decent internet speed so dont be too impatient. Also caution is advised for putting USB in these computers as they mostly have viruses. Public Call Offices . can be found all over the city. You will find a PCO in nearly 50 of the general stores. there is usually someone who operates the phone and fax. Fees will be charged according to the time spent, and you will pay when you have finished your call. Cell phone . coverage in the city is pretty good. There are various service providers offering a huge variety of plans. Among them are Mobilink, Warid Telecom, Telenor, Ufone amp Zong (China Mobile). Its not a bad idea to buy a new sim and use a prepaid plan to get yourself connected while you are in the city. You can purchase a new sim only from the customer care centers of the cellular companies by providing a copy of your passport while you can recharge your sim from almost every general store in the city. Postal amp Courier . can easily be found across the city. Some popular postal amp courier companies include TCS 112. Leopards 113. Pakistan Post 114. DHL 115. Fedex 116 etc. Stay healthy Edit Karachi is a hot city. The temperatures from April through June regularly top 35C, meaning that proper hydration is of the utmost importance hence you should keep a bottle of water with you at all times. Drink only bottled water so you may avoid any water-related illness. Also, Drink a lot of water, 8 glasses a day, particularly in the summer. Keep yourself covered in summers to avoid a heat stroke. Do not eat food that has been lying out for some time, as high temperatures speed up deterioration. Some street food can be very spicy Always notify your host, cook or waiter if you can not stomach very spicy food. Stay safe Edit NOTE: Some districts such as Orangi town and Lyari town are home to regular conflicts between gang groups and other criminals. These conflicts can result in loss of life, so visiting the effected areas should be done with caution. Street crime in Karachi is about what youd expect from a big city. Use common sense and avoid dangerous areas. Avoid going out alone, or walking by yourself on dark, empty streets. Never flash electronics or valuables in public keep your cell phones, watches, and purses in a safe place. These things easily attract attention. There are also con men looking out for foreigners, so if someone you dont trust approaches you, just keep on walking. Beware of pickpockets when you are in any crowded areas. If you are planning to see colonial public buildings, especially those that are located on MA Jinnah road or Preedy street, try to see them at late evening, after 10PM or at early morning, before 7AM because traffic in those streets are a nightmare during the day time. The people of Karachi are very hospitable. They tend to welcome any foreigner very warmly, but regardless of how nice someone seems you should remain aware and alert at all times, and try to keep a low profile at all times. Karachi has mostly been spared the attacks that have happened in the rest of the country, but mostly is a relative term. You should always keep the emergency telephone contact numbers of your countrys consulate in Karachi. There should be no serious danger in the affluent parts of the city. Defence and Clifton are regarded as safe at all times, as they are populated by the citys business and cultural elite. These districts offer the most tourist-friendly experience of Karachi, given that there will be no language barrier (most Pakistanis can speak some English, and many people in these districts will be completely fluent). Most visitors will find there is a large degree of cultural understanding and compatibility between the residents of Karachi and western tourists. Traffic jams are a major hassle in Karachi. Although the city government has recently built dozens of underpasses and flyovers to get rid of the overflow of the traffic, it is a good idea to keep a look for any ralliesprotests and check out alternate routes while traveling in the city. Do not attempt to drive in Karachi if you are new to the city since drivers are aggressive and chaotic. Pedestrians should be careful while crossing roads as some drivers will neither slow down nor sound a horn to warn of an impending accident. This also applies when getting out of the car on the traffic side look both ways until you are off the road and dont hesitate to run if you sense a car barreling towards you. Minibus drivers are particularly notorious. Emergency Numbers Edit Police. (toll free: 15 ). 160edit Rangers. (toll free: 1101 ), 117. Sometimes police is not helpful in whole of Pakistan whether its Karachi, Lahore or Islamabad. For instance, if youre threatened by a political partys military wing. In such cases only rangers are able to help you out of such situation as theyre special army forces trained to protect border as well as citizen of the country. 160edit Fire. (toll free: 16 ). 160edit Ambulance. (toll free: 1021 ). Private sector handles Ambulance network in the city. Edhi Foundation runs the worlds largest ambulance service while others include Chippa (1020) and Aman Ambulance (1021). For Air Ambulance Service contact Princely Jets at (92-21-111000062), Edhi(1150) or Aman Air Ambulance (92-21-111118324). 160edit City Call Center. (toll free: 1339 ). For complaints regarding civic amenities 160edit Newspapers amp Radio Edit Local newspapapers are reliable sources for daily updates about the city. Several newspapers publish daily from the city including Dawn 118 which is an english daily. The newspaper also has a supplement called Metropolitan which is dedicated to the updates about the city. Another major newspaper is the The Express Tribune 119 which is an international affiliated newspaper that publishes in partnership with The International Herald Tribune, the global edition of The New York Times. There are also other english newspapers like The News, Business Recorder, The Nation and Daily Times. Liberty bookstore sells British and American newspapers. There are also plenty of radio stations in the city with most of them broadcast on FM band. Hospitals Edit Individual listings can be found in Karachis district articles List of Major Hospitals: Aga Khan University Hospital. Stadium Road, P. O. Box 3500. (92-21) 3-493-0051. 120. 24x7. 160edit Aga Khan Hospital Clifton. Scheme 5, Block 2, Clifton. (92-21) 3-925-0051. 121. 160edit South City Hospital. St-1, Shahrah-e-Firdousi Block 3, Clifton. (92-21) 3-586-2301. 160edit Omi Hospital. 891, Depot Lines. (92-21) 3-225-8075. 122. 160edit Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Center. Rafiqi H J Rd, Karachi ( Its a Government-run free hospital for civilians ). 160edit Animal Hospitals Edit Karachi Veterinary Hospital. Garden Road ( Inside Karachi Zoo ), 92-21-35426684. 160edit Richmond Crawford Veterinary Hospital. MA Jinnah Road. 160edit Animal Care Center. Badar Commercial Area Phase 5 Extension, D. H.A. (92-21) 3-585-1296. 160edit 24 hour chemist Edit Time Medico. Afzal Apartment, Stadium Road ( Opposite Aga Khan University Hospital, next to McDonalds ). 92-21-34932278. 160edit Get out Edit By road Edit Thatta - Once a famous center of learning, arts, and commerce, as well as a provisional capital for about four centuries. Visit Makli a UN World heritage site, Debal The first Mosque of South Asia was built in 8th Century A. D. by Muhammad Bin Qasim, Jamia Masjid - built by Mughal emperor Shah Jehan - who also built Taj Mahal, Haleji Lake - Famous Birds sanctuary and Sunway Lagoon Waterpark . 55 km away from Karachi. Keenjhar Lake Resort - 16 miles from Thatta on left side is the famous Keenjhar Lake with cottages for overnight stay. Here, travelers can take a break, go boating, bird-watching and fishing. At night you can light beachcombers torches to extend your enjoyment of the day, before turning in at your cottage. The cottages are booked through Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) offices located in Karachi on Stratchen Road, opposite Hotel Metropole. Kirthar National park - An absolutely beautiful park. Hungol National Park - The biggest park in Pakistan, with sites including volcanoes and remnants of the countrys ancient civilizations. Makran Coastal Highway - (Over 770 km From Karachi to Gwadar) provides a unique destination for tourists. The highway, which follows the route that Alexander the Great took through the coastal belt of Balochistan in 325 BC, takes you by some of the worlds most beautiful beaches. Somiani Caves - Spectacular and amazing By train Edit Pakistan Railways has connections to several major cities of Pakistan including Sukkur. Lahore. Rawalpindi and Peshawar By air Edit Moenjodaro - An ancient civilization, not to be missed by history buffs Gwadar - Enjoy the beaches of Gwadar Dubai - Several low-cost carriers frequently travels between Karachi and Dubai By sea Edit It is apparently possible to take cargo ships from Karachi to a few ports around the Middle East like Dubai. Oman and other cities. This is a usable article. It has information for getting in as well as some complete entries for restaurants and hotels. An adventurous person could use this article, but please plunge forward and help it grow

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